NIHR Impact Prizes

Our Impact Prizes will celebrate researchers whose work has transformed people’s lives or promoted economic growth

Every day, NIHR research saves lives and improves the quality of life of the public. The research we support drives improvements to our health and care services, resulting in better wellbeing, better productivity and significant contributions to the wider economy.

The NIHR Impact Prizes will celebrate researchers and teams who have maximised the impact of their research and whose work has transformed people's lives or promoted economic growth. 

Entries closed on 13 November 2024. 

We will award up to 6 Impact Prizes, including up to 3 for research teams or individuals, and up to 3 specifically for early-career researchers. 

The winners will be announced at an in-person award ceremony in March 2025, hosted by Professor Lucy Chappell, the Department of Health and Social Care’s Chief Scientific Advisor and CEO of the NIHR.

Key dates

  • 3 October 2024: Applications opened and webinar for applicants

  • 13 November 2024: Applications closed

  • February 2025: Notification of outcome

  • March 2025: Winners will be announced at an in-person award ceremony

Our launch webinar

Watch the recording of our launch webinar. The session includes:

  • an introduction to the Impact Prizes from our CEO, Professor Lucy Chappell
  • information on eligibility
  • information on the submission process

Contact us

For enquiries relating to the NIHR Impact Prizes, please contact