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COVID-19 studies jointly funded with UKRI

The following COVID-19 research projects have been awarded funding jointly by the NIHR and UK Research and Innovation (UKRI). Studies identified as 'CRN supported' are part of the portfolio of nationally prioritised Urgent Public Health Studies.

If you are a journalist and are interested in one of the studies below, please contact the NIHR Press Office

Rolling call

NameCRN supportedTypeHost organisationChief InvestigatorAwardStart date
Primary Care response to Domestic Violence and abuse (DVA) in the COVID-19 pandemic No Health care service management University of Bristol Professor Gene Feder £262,804 October 2020
The COVID-19: Clinical Neuroscience Study (COVID-CNS)  No Clinical characterization and management University of Liverpool Dr Benedict Michael and Professor Gerome Breen £1,986,056 October 2020
Curating UK COVID-19 diagnostics data to catalyse research and innovation  No Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics University of Nottingham, University of Dundee, University of Edinburgh Public Health England and HDR UK Dr Philip Quinlan, Professor Emily Jefferson, Professor Aziz Sheikh and Dr Susan Hopkins £4,048,599 October 2020
Inflammation in Covid-19: Exploration of Critical Aspects of Pathogenesis (ICECAP)  No Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics University of Edinburgh Christopher D. Lucas £393,795c September 2020
An analytical framework for Test, Trace and Isolate in the UK: optimising and targeting deployment alongside other measures  No Epidemiological studies The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine Professor Elizabeth Fearon £412,720 September 2020
Understanding and mitigating the psychosocial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on NHS staff in England (NHS CHECK) Yes Epidemiological studies King's College London Professor Simon Wessely £398,200 September 2020
SCAMP-COVID19: a school-based cohort study of COVID-19 secondary impacts on mental health  No Epidemiological studies Imperial College London Professor Mireille Toledano £304,217 September 2020
COVID-19 Mapping and Mitigation in Schools (CoMMinS) Yes Infection prevention and control, including health care workers’ protection University of Bristol Professor Caroline Relton £2,648,787 September 2020
The impact of COVID-19 and associated social restrictions on people with learning disabilities, their families and social care support workers  No Health care service management University of Lancashire and University of Warwick Professor Chris Hatton and Professor Richard Hastings £757,294 September 2020
Safety and lower airway immunogenicity of two candidate Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) vaccines administered to the respiratory tract  No Candidate vaccines R&D Imperial College London Dr Chris Chiu £579,784 September 2020
Development and manufacture of an improved replication-deficient simian adenoviral vector to prevent COVID-19  No Candidate vaccines R&D Vaccitech Ltd Dr Tom Evans £155,829 September 2020
Transmission, pathogenesis and immunogenicity of SARS-CoV-2 in frontline healthcare workers: a national longitudinal cohort of 1320 participants  No Infection prevention and control, including health care workers’ protection University of Nottingham Dr Ana M Valdes £725,268 September 2020
Nosocomial transmission of SARS-CoV-2  No Infection prevention and control, including health care workers’ protection The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine Dr Gwen Knight £128,026 September 2020
Suppressing SARS-CoV-2 transmission in public spaces through surface engineering  No Infection prevention and control, including health care workers’ protection University of St Andrews  Professor Peter Wahl £270,977 September 2020
Self-harm rates, clinical contact and risks of suicide and early death before, during and after the COVID-19 peak: cohort study of linked health data  No Epidemiological studies University of Manchester Professor Roger Webb £158,713 August 2020
Intersections of ethnicity, gender, poverty, and mental health in adolescence in the context of COVID-19  No Epidemiological studies King's College London Professor Craig Morgan £321,366 August 2020
Optimising Wellbeing during Self-isolation (OWLS)  No Epidemiological studies University of York Dr Emily Peckham £195,813 August 2020
Enabling Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) to provide efficient remote treatment for child anxiety problems in the COVID-19 context  No Clinical characterization and management  University of Oxford Professor Cathy Creswell £495,052 August 2020
Efficient geostatistical sampling to estimate the fraction of the population recovered from COVID-19  No Epidemiological studies University of Warwick Dr Samuel Watson £34,383 August 2020
Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Care Home Pathways, Outcomes and Safety of Care  No Clinical characterization and management  Lancaster University Professor Jo Knight £252,446 August 2020
Development of a natural transmission model of COVID-19  No Infection prevention and control, including health care workers’ protection The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine Dr Stuart Dowall £392,057 August 2020
Controlling COVID19 through enhanced population surveillance and intervention (Con-COV): a platform approach  No Infection prevention and control, including health care workers’ protection Swansea University Professor Ronan Lyons £826,352  August 2020
ISARIC Clinical Characterisation Protocol UK (CCP-UK) - a companion study for patients with Cancer and COVID-19 (CCP-CANCER-UK)  No Clinical characterization and management  University of Liverpool Professor Palmieri and Dr Lance Turtle £342,158 August 2020
AERosolisation And Transmission Of SARS-CoV-2 in Healthcare Settings (AERATOR) Yes Infection prevention and control, including health care workers’ protection North Bristol NHS Trust Dr Nick Maskell £432,785 August 2020
Investigating SARS-CoV-2 Transmission in North London Communities  No Social sciences in the outbreak response
Infection prevention and control, including health care workers’ protection
The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine Dr Michael Marks £251,240 August 2020
The contribution of occupational exposures to risk of COVID-19 and approaches to control among healthcare workers (COPE-Birmingham)  No Infection prevention and control, including health care workers’ protection University of Birmingham Professor Peymané Adab £444,883 August 2020
United Kingdom Research Study into Ethnicity And COVID-19 outcomes in Healthcare workers (UK-REACH) Yes Infection prevention and control, including health care workers’ protection University of Leicester Dr Aarti Pareek £2,146,067 August 2020
Developing and Delivering targeted SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) health interventions to Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) communities living in the UK  No Infection prevention and control, including health care workers’ protection Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Professor Aftab Ala £370,734 August 2020
Investigating incidence, severity and risk factors for COVID-19 in BAME and Migrant groups to inform public health action  No Epidemiological studies UCL Dr Robert Aldridge £1,396,357 August 2020
Transmission of COVID-19 in Kids (TraCK) Yes Infection prevention and control, including health care workers’ protection Imperial College London Professor Shiranee Sriskandan £267,388 August 2020
The UK Coronavirus Immunology Consortium (UK-CIC): a UK underpinning platform to study immunology and immunopathology of COVID-19 Yes Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics University of Birmingham Professor Paul Moss £6,499,686 August 2020
Demographic, multi-morbidity and genetic impact on myocardial involvement and its recovery from COVID-19: the COVID-HEART study Yes Epidemiological studies University of Leeds Professor John P Greenwood £775,095 August 2020
Evidence-Based Supported Digital Intervention for Improving Wellbeing and Health of people living in Care Homes (WHELD) During COVID-19  No Clinical characterization and management University of Exeter Professor Clive Ballard £1,231,436 July 2020
What TRIage model is safest and most effective for the Management of 999 callers with suspected COVID-19? A linked outcome study (TRIM)  No Clinical characterization and management Swansea University Professor Alan Watkins £361,401 July 2020
Ethnicity and COVID-19: investigating the determinants of excess risk in UK Biobank  No Epidemiological studies University of Leicester Prof Thomas Yates £127,042 July 2020
Development and Evaluation of a Training Package to support the Remote Assessment and Management of People with Movement Impairment and Disability  No Health and care delivery University of Plymouth Professor Jennifer Freeman £222,670 July 2020
The production and application of SARS-CoV-2 reverse genetic systems to facilitate vaccine development and biosafe drug discovery platforms  No Candidate vaccines R&D University of Bristol Dr Andrew Davidson £205,978 July 2020
Modelling the dynamics of viral load to reveal mechanisms of protection in COVID-19  No Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics Imperial College London Dr Aubrey Cunnington £196,129 July 2020
COVID-19: Assessing the vulnerability of the fetus to SARS-CoV2 infection across development  No Clinical characterization and management UCL Dr Mattia Gerli £33,324 July 2020
Prognostic models for COVID-19 to support risk stratification in secondary care  No Epidemiological studies
Clinical characterization and management
University of Birmingham Dr Nicola Adderley £103,304 July 2020
Longitudinal immunological and multi-omic profiling of haemodialysis patients  No Clinical characterization and management  Imperial College London Dr James Peters £588,823 July 2020
A rapid realist review of community pharmacy support for the public health agenda during the COVID-19 pandemic and future health emergencies  No Epidemiological studies Aston University Dr Ian Maidment £86,134 July 2020
Quantifying the association between COVID-19, ethnicity and mortality: A cohort study across three UK national databases  No Epidemiological studies University of Oxford Professor Julia Hippisley-Cox £222,670 July 2020
COVID-NURSE. The development, testing and evaluation of a COVID-19 fundamental nursing care protocol: a randomised controlled trial  No Clinical characterization and management
Infection prevention and control, including health care workers’ protection
 University of Exeter Professor David Richards £433,957 July 2020
Post-hospitalisation COVID-19 study: a national consortium to understand and improve long-term health outcomes (PHOSP-COVID) Yes Epidemiological studies
Clinical characterization and management 
University of Leicester Professor Chris Brightling £8,532,684 July 2020
Liverpool COVID-19 Drug Interactions  No Clinical characterization and management University of Liverpool Prof Saye Khoo £66,177 June 2020
Ensuring that COVID-19 trials consider ethnicity: the INCLUDE Ethnicity Framework for randomised trials  No Clinical characterization and management University of Aberdeen Prof Shaun Treweek £15,172 June 2020
COVID-19 National DiagnOstic Research and Evaluation Platform (CONDOR) Yes Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics University of Oxford and University of Manchester Professor Gail Hayward and Professor Richard Body £1,424,687 June 2020
Humoral Immune Correlates for COVID-19 (HICC): defining protective responses and critical readouts for clinical trials of vaccines and therapeutics Yes Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics University of Cambridge Professor Wilhelm Schwaeble £1,587,288 May 2020
Urgent research and surveillance on COVID-19 using the new OpenSAFELY secure platform across 55 million patients' full linked primary care records  No Epidemiological studies University of Oxford Dr Ben Goldacre £1,301,399 May 2020
Mathematical modeling and adaptive control to inform real time decision making for the COVID-19 pandemic at the local, regional and national scale  No Epidemiological studies University of Warwick Dr Michael Tildesley £243,132 May 2020
Rapid evaluation of the COVID-19 pandemic response in palliative and end of life care: national delivery, workforce and symptom management (CovPall)  No Health and care delivery King's College London Professor Irene Higginson £280,949 April 2020


Call 2

NameCRN supportedTypeHost organisationChief InvestigatorAwardStart date
A protease activity profiling strategy to inhibit cell-to-cell transmission of SARS-CoV-2  No Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics University of Oxford Dr Sumana Sanyal £213,137 April 2020
Understanding environmental and airborne routes of transmission  No Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics Public Health England Allan Bennett £337,435 April 2020
Understanding the dynamics and drivers of the COVID-2019 epidemic using real-time outbreak analytics  No Epidemiological studies London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine Dr John Edmunds £492,766 April 2020
nCoV: A global registry of women affected by COVID-19 in pregnancy, understanding natural history to guide treatment and prevention Yes Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics
Clinical characterization and management
Imperial College London Professor Christoph Lees £253,257 April 2020
Spatial heterogeneity in transmission and the impact of interventions: a mathematical modelling approach  No Epidemiological studies University of Exeter Dr Leon Danon £220,403 April 2020
Rapid co-design, implementation and evaluation of a digital behaviour change intervention to improve hand hygiene and limit spread of the COVID-19 outbreak  No Social sciences in the outbreak response.
Infection prevention and control, including health care workers’ protection
University of Southampton Professor Lucy Yardley £249,056 April 2020
nCoV: Understanding the dynamics of policy development and healthcare worker behaviour in the UK during the Covid-19 public health emergency  No Social sciences in the outbreak response University of Liverpool Professor Sally Sheard £294,488 April 2020
Virus Watch: Understanding community incidence, symptom profiles, and transmission of COVID-19 in relation to population movement and behaviour Yes Epidemiological studies
Clinical characterization and management
University College London Professor Andrew Hayward £3,248,052 April 2020
A mixed-methods evaluation of advice on isolation and health-seeking to contain transmission  No Social sciences in the outbreak response
Infection prevention and control, including health care workers’ protection
Public Health England Professor Isabel Oliver £413,418 April 2020
Estimating severity from multiple data sources using Bayesian evidence synthesis  No Epidemiological studies
Clinical characterization and management
University of Cambridge Dr Anne Presanis £180,599 April 2020
Early Assessment of COVID-19 epidemiology and Vaccine/anti-viral Effectiveness (EAVE II)  No Epidemiological studies
Clinical characterization and management
University of Edinburgh Professor Aziz Sheikh £372,229 April 2020
Coronavirus STORY (Serum Testing of Representative Youngsters) Yes Epidemiological studies University of Oxford Professor Matthew Snape £573,070 March 2020
nCoV: Serological detection of past SARS-CoV-2 infection by non-invasive sampling for field epidemiology and quantitative antibody detection  No Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics
Epidemiological studies
Imperial College London Professor Richard Tedder £429,983 April 2020
Platform Randomised trial of INterventions against COVID-19 In older peoPLE (PRINCIPLE) Yes Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics University of Oxford Professor Christopher Butler £1,706,580 April 2020
Development of an NHP model of infection and ADE with COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2)  No Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics Public Health England Professor Miles Carroll £445,738 April 2020
Healthcare Workers: an in depth virological analysis and behavioural study during the outbreak  No Candidate vaccines R&D University College London Dr Eleni Nastouli £1,463,791 April 2020
Understanding Chinese government containment measures and their societal impacts  No Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics
Clinical characterization and management
University of Glasgow Professor Jane Duckett £333,963 April 2020
Gig workers: unsung heroes and a strategic role in the UK national response to the COVID-19 pandemic  No Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics University of Manchester Professor Martie van Tongeren £337,913 April 2020
Strengthening & Accelerating the Global Research Response to COVID-19 by Sharing Methods and Knowledge Between Countries, Networks and Organisations  No Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics University of Oxford Professor Trudie Lang £299,860 April 2020
saRNA SARS-CoV-2 vaccine  No Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics Imperial College London Professor Robin Shattock £1,724,708 April 2020
Development of an ovine polyclonal immunoglobulin therapy against COVID-19  No Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics
Epidemiological Studies
Public Health England Dr Stuart Dowall £445,720 April 2020


Call 1

NameCRN supportedTypeHost organisationChief InvestigatorAwardStart date
nCoV: Rapid Clinical Development of ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 Yes Candidate vaccines R&D University of Oxford Professor Sarah Gilbert £2,174,848 March 2020
COVID-19 multi-arm, multi stage adaptive clinical trial (RECOVERY) Yes Candidate therapeutics R&D University of Oxford Professor Peter Horby £2,106,034 March 2020
Repurposing FDA-Approved Drugs for Treatment of 2019-nCoV-induced Disease Yes Candidate therapeutics R&D Queen's University Belfast Professor Ultan Power £295,625 March 2020
COVID-19: Enabling availability for clinical use of 1 million doses of adenovirus-vectored COVID-19 vaccine by summer 2020 Yes Candidate vaccines R&D University of Oxford Dr Alexander Douglas £411,388 March 2020
ISARIC - Coronavirus Clinical Characterisation Consortium (ISARIC-4C)  No Clinical characterization and management University of Edinburgh Dr Kenneth Baillie £4,908,946 March 2020
nCoV: Developing CoV-bnMABs for therapy of highly pathogenic coronaviruses including SARS-CoV-2 Yes Candidate therapeutics R&D Imperial College London Professor Xiao-Ning Xu £614,426 March 2020