Become an NIHR RDN Non-commercial Partner

What is an NIHR RDN Non-commercial Partner?

NIHR RDN Non-commercial Partners are UK-based organisations that:

  • award research funds as a result of open competition across England with high-quality peer review
  • fund research that is of clear value to the NHS, social care or public health
  • take appropriate account of the priorities, needs and realities of the NHS, social care or public health in making decisions about the research that they fund

Benefits of becoming an NIHR RDN Non-commercial Partner

Being an NIHR RDN Non-commercial Partner brings a number of benefits including faster access to the full range of services offered by the Study Support Service which helps researchers to plan, setup and deliver research in England. Association of Medical Research Charities members also benefit from the provision of Research Part B costs as defined by AcoRD.

For a researcher to access this support, their study has to fully meet the NIHR Research Delivery Network Eligibility Criteria which is set by the Department of Health and Social Care. By becoming an NIHR RDN Non-commercial Partner, you are confirming that your organisation administers funding that satisfies some of the Eligibility Criteria. This speeds up the overall eligibility decision process.

Once eligibility is fully confirmed, studies that your organisation funds will be included in the NIHR Research Delivery Network Portfolio and you will have access to our research delivery infrastructure, essential training and ISRCTN registration

NIHR RDN Non-commercial Partners also have access to resources to help them and their grant applicants and recipients get the best from our Study Support Service.

They have access to our Funder Resource Pack, which we developed with funders to enable our NIHR RDN Non-commercial Partners to promote the benefits of the support offered by the NIHR Research Delivery Network. It includes some 'top tips' for funders on how to get the best out of their relationship with the NIHR Research Delivery Network.

How does my organisation become an NIHR RDN Non-commercial Partner?

If your organisation is interested in becoming an NIHR RDN Non-commercial Partner please contact us for further information at: