Capacity building within RPSC Research Programme

  • Published: 26 September 2023
  • Version: V1.0 - September 2023
  • 3 min read

Stage 1:

Developing academic research capacity and training 

RPSC will have a remit for academic capacity development and training across the full career spectrum, from predoctoral to post-doctoral, supporting greater equity of opportunities for all. While the focus should be on developing our early career researchers, consideration should be given to all stages of the academic career pathway, in particular, skills for future career development. Training and support should be in line with the principles and best practice set out within the Researcher Development Concordat.

Those invited to submit an application at Stage 2 will be expected to demonstrate how they address areas of need for research capacity development.

Successful RPSC awards will be expected to appoint a “Named Point of Contact for Training and Development (NPC)”, who will be the first point of contact for all NIHR Academy-related communication and queries. The NPC will work in partnership with NIHR Academy to share best practice and encourage excellence in career development and training. Individuals whose academic career development is being supported through NIHR RPSC funding will also benefit from NIHR Academy membership.

Selection criteria

The quality and extent to which the proposals for increasing research capacity across the whole academic career pathway, including through the provision of training which supports diverse career paths and promotes equality, diversity and inclusion, have been considered and justified.


As part of NIHR's drive to develop research capacity, applicants to RPSC can include funding for research capacity development, at any point on the academic career pathway (including internships, pre-doctoral, doctoral and post-doctoral), and are encouraged to recruit from a range of diverse career paths (including methodologists and under-represented disciplines and professions in research). This will be an ongoing opportunity, available to applicants in each round of RPSC competition.

Application requirements 

Please outline your plans for increasing research capacity (500 word maximum), including through the provision of training, which supports diverse career paths and promotes equality, diversity and inclusion. Please note:

  • Individuals should be embedded within a supportive host environment, with appropriate plans to support their research training and academic career development in place throughout the duration of their award. Training and support should be aligned with the principles and best practice outlined within the Researcher Development Concordat.  
  • Individuals must be well supported as part of the positive research culture of the wider organisation with strong public involvement and engagement embedded within the research they undertake.
  •  Positions can start at any time of the year in accordance with the overall project timeline, but should be completed within the project’s lifetime. We would expect that most positions will be fully funded through the RPSC programme.
  •  As a general rule, it is anticipated that 10% to 20% of the overall project  budget should be spent on capacity building within the grant, but each request will be reviewed on its merits.

Named points of contact

To support their NIHR Academy members, successful RPSC awards will be expected to appoint a “Named Point of Contact for Training and Development (NPC)”, who will be the first point of contact for all NIHR Academy-related communication and queries. The NPC will work in partnership with NIHR Academy to share best practice and encourage excellence in career development and training. The NPC will take an active role in providing advice and support for academic development to ensure members can thrive as successful academics and future leaders, as well as sharing examples of best practice and development opportunities.

The NPC has to be listed on the application form, and can be the Lead Applicant, or a Co-Applicant with relevant experience. The NPC should be different from the Academic supervisor. 

NIHR Academy membership

Individuals whose academic career development is being supported through NIHR RPSC funding and are undertaking a formal training/career development award which meets the following criteria will be NIHR Academy members. These criteria are:

  • have been competitively recruited, 
  • have a formal training plan,
  • have a defined end point, and 
  • receive at least 25% funding through the RPSC award for salary/stipend over the lifetime of the individual’s award.

Individuals undertaking formal academic capacity development  will be members of the NIHR Academy and will benefit from:

  • Career development and support activities, such as mentorship and leadership
  • Eligibility to apply for some short-term research training and academic career development awards
  • Networking and career development events that embed them within the NIHR family