How to apply for NIHR career development awards
We offer a wide range of career development awards through the NIHR Academy. Our awards are available across a variety of career levels and backgrounds.
Finding the right career path can be complex, especially if you’re new to research. The information on this page should help.
Outline of process
Step 1
Find the right award
Step 2
Read the application guidance
Step 3
Get advice
Step 4
Apply online
Step 1 - find the right award
We offer career development awards that are for both individuals and institutions.
Visit our career development awards page to view current opportunities.
Step 2 - read our application guidance
Our application guidance provides all the information you’ll need to apply to an award. You’ll find a link to it from the relevant award page. It includes information such as:
- eligibility criteria
- what we’re looking for
- how to fill out the online application form
Step 3 - get advice
Use these resources to help, or contact the Academy to speak to someone.
- planning checklist
- clinical trials guide
- additional guidance on a clinical trial, pilot study or feasibility study as part of a personal award application
- watch a webinar
Are you based in the UK?
Access our Research Support Service
Step 4 - apply online
You’ll apply to most of our career development awards through ARAMIS, our online awards management system.
- register and log into ARAMIS
- application submission process diagram
Academy awards that do not use ARAMIS
NIHR Integrated Academic Training (IAT) partnerships host some awards for doctors and dentists. For those, you will apply directly to the local partnership:
- Academic Clinical Fellowships (ACFs) applications are through the Oriel portal
- Clinical Lectureships (CLs) applications are either through the Oriel portal or directly to the relevant Higher Education Institute
Job adverts will give full details of the application process for each IAT post.