Postdoctoral opportunities

Funding and career development opportunities to support you after your PhD.

Postdoctoral Fellowships

We offer 3 postdoctoral-level Fellowships. Our Fellowships are aimed at all health and care professionals, including those working in local authority settings. We also offer support to continue your professional and clinical practice alongside your research.

Clinical Lectureship

Postdoctoral funding that provides a clinical and academic training environment for doctors and dentists. The award will help you establish yourself as an independent researcher and leader.

Global Advanced Fellowship

Mid-career funding for postdoctoral applied global health researchers in Low and Middle Income Countries (LMICs) and in the UK.

Development and Skills Enhancement (DSE) Award

The DSE Award bridges the development and skills gap between doctoral research and our postdoctoral funding.

Senior Clinical and Practitioner Research Award (SCPRA)

SCPRA funds postdoctoral researchers to engage in professional development activities.

Undergraduate Internship Programme (UIP)

This programme funds organisations to host short undergraduate internships. Early to mid-career researchers can apply to host up to 3 interns.

Professorial opportunities

Take the next step in your research career