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CPMS release 5 - a new look, and a new service integration module and online SoECAT


Published: 28 January 2022

Version: v2.0 22/03/22

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The NIHR Central Portfolio Management System is evolving to meet the needs of the UK research community.

In March 2022, CPMS release 5 went live delivering a new look homepage, integrated study team dashboard and improved system architecture that will pave the way for CPMS to offer a single place for users to access CRN services. The services accessible from here initially include the new online SoECAT, and the Non-commercial Portfolio Application service. The vision is for our commercial services to be integrated into this new user friendly gateway in the future as well.

The new online SoECAT will be rolled out in a phased manner with funders being approached in stages to ensure that neither the system or users are overburdened by engagement of the new online tool. Grant funders will notify applicants directly if they expect to receive exports from the new online service within their guidance documentation. Applicants should not complete the online SoECAT unless told to do so by their grant funder.

Mandatory IRAS ID

 An IRAS ID is now mandatory for all non-commercial studies requesting CRN services through CPMS. Across NIHR and other research system stakeholders (e.g. MHRA and HRA), the IRAS ID will now be used as the common study identifier. This vital tool will enable traceability across a whole study lifecycle - from funding through to delivery and dissemination. It will enable data sharing with organisations across the research landscape, to streamline services for users.

Find out more

The above short explainer video outlines the new features and functionality of CPMS release 5.Relevant CPMS guidance has also been updated on NIHR Learn. Infograms summarising the impact of release 5 on commercial companies and users of the Non-commercial Portfolio Application service have been produced.

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