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HTA Remit and Competitiveness teleconference - Public minutes June 2020


Published: 03 June 2020

Version: 1.0 - June 2020

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HTA Researcher-Led Primary Research and Evidence Synthesis Applications, and HTA Commissioned Crossprogramme Call in Oral and Dental Health from the May 2020 Call Close

03 June 2020 10-1 pm

Present Members

Professor Hywel Williams (Chair) (HTA Programme Director)
Professor Steve Goodacre (HTA Deputy Programme Director)
Professor Lucy Chappell (Chair of CET Funding Committee)
Professor Andrew Farmer (Chair of HTA General Funding Committee)
Dr Geoff Wong (Prioritisation Committee A, Deputy Chair)
Professor Anthony De-Soyza (Chair of Prioritisation Committee B)

NETSCC Secretariat

Dr Jason Horsley (NETSCC Consultant Advisor)
Mrs Karen Williams (Senior Research Manager)
Dr Cristina Lujan Barroso (Research Manager)
Ms Brogan Ashley (Research Manager)
Ms Maria Oosterwijk (Administrator)
Observers: Dr Julie McCarroll (Health and Social Care Research & Development – Northern Ireland)
Apologies: Associate Professor Kamal Mahtani

19/155 HTA Oral and Dental Health

NIHR131786 - Randomised Evaluation of Supportive PEriodontal Care/Therapy (SPT) delivered by an upskilled dental Team versus standard of care in adults treated for periodontitis (RESPECTT)(Professor Nikolaos Donos)

Chair: Hywel Williams
Declared a conflict, remained in the teleconference: None declared
Declared a conflict and left the call: None declared
Recommendation: Proceed to Funding Committee

19/155 HTA Oral and Dental Health

NIHR131901 - Avoiding GA Paediatric Extractions- AGAPE Trial (Professor Marie Therese Hosey)

Chair: Hywel Williams
Declared a conflict, remained in the teleconference: None declared
Declared a conflict and left the call: None declared
Recommendation: Proceed to Funding Committee

19/161 HTA Researcher-led call Evidence Synthesis

NIHR131779 - Surgical repair of groin hernia: a comprehensive network meta-analysis and economic evaluation. (Dr Miriam Brazzelli)

Chair: Hywel Williams
Declared a conflict, remained in the teleconference: None declared
Declared a conflict and left the call: None declared
Recommendation: Uncompetitive

19/160 HTA Researcher-led call Primary Research

NIHR131407 - Robotic Arthroplasty: a Clinical and cost Effectiveness Randomised controlled trial for Hips (RACER-HIP) (Mr Peter Wall)

Chair: Hywel Williams
Declared a conflict, remained in the teleconference: None declared
Declared a conflict and left the call: Geoff Wong
Recommendation: Proceed to Funding Committee

19/160 HTA Researcher-led call Primary Research

NIHR131796 - Targeted screening v Usual care for detection of OSA in General practice (TAG): a two group randomised trial with internal pilot (Dr Michelle Miller)

Chair: Hywel Williams
Declared a conflict, remained in the teleconference: Geoff Wong, Andrew Farmer
Declared a conflict and left the call: None declared
Recommendation: Out of Remit and uncompetitive

19/161 HTA Researcher-led call Evidence Synthesis

NIHR131701 - Cochrane Living Systematic Review: Physical rehabilitation to improve function and mobility in people after stroke (Dr Alex Pollock)

Chair: Hywel Williams
Declared a conflict, remained in the teleconference: Geoff Wong
Declared a conflict and left the call: None declared
Recommendation: Out of Remit

19/160 HTA Researcher-led call Primary Research

NIHR131443 - A randomised controlled trial, with an embedded process evaluation, assessing the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of supervised exercise as an adjunct therapy to compression in adult patients with venous leg ulcers (RECEESE - VLUs). (Dr Markos Klonizakis)

Chair: Andrew Farmer
Declared a conflict, remained in the teleconference: Geoff Wong, Steve Goodacre
Declared a conflict and left the call: Hywel Williams
Recommendation: Proceed to Funding Committee

19/160 HTA Researcher-led call Primary Research

NIHR131546 - Identifying and Addressing Cardiovascular Medication Nonadherence in Type 2 Diabetes using Urinalysis and a Discussion Tool (ADHERENT) (Professor Kamlesh Khunti)

Chair: Steve Goodacre
Declared a conflict, remained in the teleconference: Andrew Farmer
Declared a conflict and left the call: Hywel Williams
Recommendation: Out of Remit

19/160 HTA Researcher-led call Primary Research

NIHR131801 - United Kingdom Finding the Optimal Regimen for Mycobacterium abscessus Treatment in CF trial (UK FORMAT CF trial) (Professor Alan Smyth)

Chair: Steve Goodacre
Declared a conflict, remained in the teleconference: Andrew Farmer
Declared a conflict and left the call: Hywel Williams
Recommendation: Out of Remit and uncompetitive

19/160 HTA Researcher-led call Primary Research

NIHR131440 - Randomised controlled trial of a new relief inhaler in mild asthma. (Professor Timothy Harrison)

Chair: Steve Goodacre
Declared a conflict, remained in the teleconference: None declared
Declared a conflict and left the call: Hywel Williams
Recommendation: Proceed to Funding Committee

19/160 HTA Researcher-led call Primary Research

NIHR131749 - Effectiveness of a resistance exercise intervention programme on recovery from abdominal or pelvic surgery in cancer patients. (Professor Ian Swaine)

Chair: Steve Goodacre
Declared a conflict, remained in the teleconference: None declared
Declared a conflict and left the call: Hywel Williams
Recommendation: Out of Remit

19/160 HTA Researcher-led call Primary Research

NIHR131699 - A randomised controlled trial to investigate the effectiveness of a nutritional intervention to enhance patient recovery after elective major lung surgery- ThIRSTY-2 (Mr Babu Naidu)

Chair: Hywel Williams
Declared a conflict, remained in the teleconference: None declared
Declared a conflict and left the call: None declared
Recommendation: Proceed to Funding Committee

19/160 HTA Researcher-led call Primary Research

NIHR131584 - The NOTES Study: Neonatal Outcomes with Treatments for Epileptic Seizures A randomised controlled trial of phenobarbital and levetiracetam for seizures caused by neonatal hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy and their association with neuro-developmental outcome at 2 years. (Dr Anthony Hart)

Chair: Hywel Williams
Declared a conflict, remained in the teleconference: Steve Goodacre
Declared a conflict and left the call: None declared
Recommendation: Proceed to Funding Committee

19/160 HTA Researcher-led call Primary Research

NIHR131806 - A randomised controlled trial of first line incobutulinumtoxinA versus usual care for sialorrhoea in motor neuron disease (Professor Christopher McDermott)

Chair: Hywel Williams
Declared a conflict, remained in the teleconference: Steve Goodacre
Declared a conflict and left the call: None declared
Recommendation: Proceed to Funding Committee

19/160 HTA Researcher-led call Primary Research

NIHR131647 - Randomised controlled trial of the Community Navigator programme to reduce loneliness and depression for adults with treatment resistant depression in secondary mental health services (Dr Brynmor Lloyd Evans)

Chair: Hywel Williams
Declared a conflict, remained in the teleconference: Lucy Chappell
Declared a conflict and left the call: None declared
Recommendation: Proceed to Funding Committee

19/160 HTA Researcher-led call Primary Research

NIHR131737 - Randomised Controlled Trial of Cryoballoon/Radiofrequency Ablation of Atrial Fibrillation versus Medical Treatment in Heart Failure (CRAAFT-HF) (Professor Pier Lambiase)

Chair: Hywel Williams
Declared a conflict, remained in the teleconference: Lucy Chappell
Declared a conflict and left the call: None declared
Recommendation: Out of Remit and uncompetitive

19/160 HTA Researcher-led call Primary Research

NIHR131760 - To assess whether fixed duration therapy in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) is more clinically and cost effective than continuous treatment until disease progression: A Randomised Investigation of Venetoclax-Rituximab and Ibrutinib in Relapsed CLL (RIVER) (Dr David Allsup)

Chair: Hywel Williams
Declared a conflict, remained in the teleconference: None declared
Declared a conflict and left the call: None declared
Recommendation: Proceed to Funding Committee

19/160 HTA Researcher-led call Primary Research

NIHR131784 - The EXTEND trial: EXTENDed antibiotics to improve outcomes in patients with complicated intra-abdominal infection. (Associate-Professor Andrew Kirby)

Chair: Hywel Williams
Declared a conflict, remained in the teleconference: None declared
Declared a conflict and left the call: None declared
Recommendation: Proceed to Funding Committee

19/160 HTA Researcher-led call Primary Research

NIHR131798 - Closed loop glucose control for inpatients in non-critical care settings (LOOP) (Professor Roman Hovorka)

Chair: Hywel Williams
Declared a conflict, remained in the teleconference: None declared
Declared a conflict and left the call: None declared
Recommendation: Out of Remit

19/160 HTA Researcher-led call Primary Research

NIHR131799 - Evaluation of the Cambridge PROstate Biopsy DevicE as a safer and cost-effective method of biopsies for suspected prostate cancer: The CamPROBE vErsus Standard prostate biOpsies for sUspected PRostate CancEr (RESOURCE) study. (Mr Vincent Gnanapragasam)

Chair: Hywel Williams
Declared a conflict, remained in the teleconference: None declared
Declared a conflict and left the call: None declared
Recommendation: Out of Remit and uncompetitive

19/160 HTA Researcher-led call Primary Research

NIHR131875 - OTTAVIA (Oxford Test and Treat trial of AntiViral therapy for InfluenzA) - A cluster, randomised clinical trial (Professor Simon de Lusignan)

Chair: Hywel Williams
Declared a conflict, remained in the teleconference: Geoff Wong, Andrew Farmer
Declared a conflict and left the call: None declared
Recommendation: Out of Remit and uncompetitive

19/160 HTA Researcher-led call Primary Research

NIHR131863 - Maternal POsition in the second stage of labour in nulliparous Women Without EpiduRal analgeSia: a randomised controlled trial (POWWERS) (Dr Caroline Fox)

Chair: Hywel Williams
Declared a conflict, remained in the teleconference: Lucy Chappell
Declared a conflict and left the call: None declared
Recommendation: Proceed to Funding Committee

19/160 HTA Researcher-led call Primary Research

NIHR131877 - VIPS: Value of information analysis on peri-operative supplementation for patients on therapeutic corticosteroids having surgery (Dr Howard Thom)

Chair: Hywel Williams
Declared a conflict, remained in the teleconference: None declared
Declared a conflict and left the call: None declared
Recommendation: Uncompetitive

19/160 HTA Researcher-led call Primary Research

NIHR131883 - Robot-Mediated Social Skills Development for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Randomised Control Trial (Dr Deepshikha Thakur)

Chair: Hywel Williams
Declared a conflict, remained in the teleconference: None declared
Declared a conflict and left the call: None declared
Recommendation: Out of Remit

19/160 HTA Researcher-led call Primary Research

NIHR131885 - Examining the benefit of graduated compression stockings in the Prevention of vEnous Thromboembolism in low-risk Surgical patients: a multicentre randomised controlled trial (PETS Trial) (Professor Alun Davies)

Chair: Hywel Williams
Declared a conflict, remained in the teleconference: Lucy Chappell
Declared a conflict and left the call: Steve Goodacre
Recommendation: Uncompetitive

19/160 HTA Researcher-led call Primary Research

NIHR131893 - CHIPS-2 (Control of Hypertension In Pregnancy Study-2): shared implementation of NICE guidance for pregnancy hypertension care (Professor Laura Magee)

Chair: Hywel Williams
Declared a conflict, remained in the teleconference: Lucy Chappell, Geoff Wong
Declared a conflict and left the call: None declared
Left the teleconference: Julie McCarroll
Recommendation: Out of Remit

19/160 HTA Researcher-led call Primary Research

NIHR131895 - Liothyronine (T3) in combination with levothyroxine (T4) in treatment-unresponsive hypothyroidism (LiLe trial) (Dr Adrian Heald)

Chair: Hywel Williams
Declared a conflict, remained in the teleconference: None declared
Declared a conflict and left the call: None declared
Recommendation: Out of Remit

19/155 HTA Oral and Dental Health

NIHR131909 - A multicentre randomised controlled trial to compare success, benefits to quality of life and cost of mandibular dental implant supported complete overdentures and conventional dentures in edentulous patients treated with radiotherapy for cancers of tonsil, base of tongue, pharynx and larynx. (Professor Michael Fenlon)

Chair: Andrew Farmer
Left the teleconference: Hywel Williams
Declared a conflict, remained in the teleconference: None declared
Declared a conflict and left the call: None declared
Recommendation: Out of Remit and uncompetitive

19/161 HTA Researcher-led call Evidence Synthesis

NIHR131907 - Randomised prospective trial of Active Clearance Technology versus standard chest drains following cardiac surgery to assess benefits and cost-effectiveness (Mr Wael Awad)

Chair: Andrew Farmer
Declared a conflict, remained in the teleconference: None declared
Declared a conflict and left the call: None declared
Recommendation: Out of Remit

19/160 HTA Researcher-led call Primary Research

NIHR131897 - ELECTRA: Expanding the Laboratory diagnosis of Endometrial Carcinoma through Targeted molecular testing based on Risk Assessment - A Prospective Multi-Centre Laboratory Observational Study Comparing Different Testing Algorithms (Professor Naveena Singh)

Chair: Andrew Farmer
Declared a conflict, remained in the teleconference: None declared
Declared a conflict and left the call: None declared
Recommendation: Out of Remit and uncompetitive

19/155 HTA Oral and Dental Health

NIHR131817 - Changing Habits to Prevent Child Caries: A Randomized Controlled Trial of a Family-Focused Therapeutic Conversation Delivered by Dental Nurses in Primary Care [CHOICE Trial] (Dr Pauline Adair)

Chair: Andrew Farmer
Declared a conflict, remained in the teleconference: None declared
Declared a conflict and left the call: None declared
Recommendation: Proceed to Funding Committee

19/155 HTA Oral and Dental Health

NIHR131805 - The clinical and cost-effectiveness of a guided self-help cognitive behavioural therapy intervention to reduce dental anxiety in children (Professor Zoe Marshman)

Chair: Andrew Farmer
Declared a conflict, remained in the teleconference: None declared
Declared a conflict and left the call: Steve Goodacre
Recommendation: Proceed to Funding Committee

19/160 HTA Researcher-led call Primary Research

NIHR131533 - Randomised trial of the clinical and cost effectiveness of a supraglottic airway device versus tracheal intubation during in-hospital cardiac arrest (AIRWAYS-3). (Professor Jonathan Benger)

Chair: Andrew Farmer
Declared a conflict, remained in the teleconference: None declared
Declared a conflict and left the call: Steve Goodacre
Recommendation: Proceed to Funding Committee

19/160 HTA Researcher-led call Primary Research

NIHR131638 - Clinical and cost-effectiveness of individualised exercises and foot orthoses in the treatment of plantar heel pain: a randomised multi-arm multi-stage (MAMS) adaptive trial (TReatments of Exercise AnD Orthotics for plaNtar heel pain (TREADON)) (Dr Edward Roddy)

Chair: Andrew Farmer
Declared a conflict, remained in the teleconference: None declared
Declared a conflict and left the call: None declared
Recommendation: Proceed to Funding Committee

19/160 HTA Researcher-led call Primary Research

NIHR131856 - A prospective, multicentre randomised controlled trial to examine the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of intrathecal drug delivery in chronic, refractory, non-cancer pain (PROVIDE) (Professor Sam Eldabe)

Chair: Andrew Farmer
Declared a conflict, remained in the teleconference: None declared
Declared a conflict and left the call: None declared
Recommendation: Proceed to Funding Committee

19/160 HTA Researcher-led call Primary Research

NIHR131889 - A randomised registry-based open label study to assess change in respiratory function for people with cystic fibrosis (pwCF) with one or two Phe508del variants established on triple CFTR modulator combination therapy after rationalisation of muco-active aerosolised therapies (the CF STORM study)(Professor Kevin Southern)

Chair: Andrew Farmer
Declared a conflict, remained in the teleconference: None declared
Declared a conflict and left the call: None declared
Recommendation: Proceed to Funding Committee

19/160 HTA Researcher-led call Primary Research

NIHR131692 - The clinical and cost-effectiveness of the DESMOND-ID education programme for adults with intellectual disability and Type 2 Diabetes (Dr Laurence Taggart)

Chair: Andrew Farmer
Declared a conflict, remained in the teleconference: Steve Goodacre
Declared a conflict and left the call: None declared
Recommendation: Proceed to Funding Committee

19/160 HTA Researcher-led call Primary Research

NIHR131698 - Five year outcomes of infants, children and young people randomised to treatment with continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion or multiple daily insulin injections at diagnosis of type I diabetes (Professor Joanne Blair)

Chair: Steve Goodacre
Declared a conflict, remained in the teleconference: Andrew Farmer
Declared a conflict and left the call: None declared
Recommendation: Proceed to Funding Committee

19/160 HTA Researcher-led call Primary Research

NIHR131822 - T4P (Threshold for Platelets) (Associate-Professor Peter Watkinson)

Chair: Steve Goodacre
Declared a conflict, remained in the teleconference: Andrew Farmer
Declared a conflict and left the call: None declared
Recommendation: Proceed to Funding Committee

19/160 HTA Researcher-led call Primary Research

NIHR131857 - A randomised controlled trial assessing the clinical and cost effectiveness of compression HOSiery to Treat varicose vein Symptoms - the HOSTS study (Professor Alun Davies)

Chair: Steve Goodacre
Declared a conflict, remained in the teleconference: Andrew Farmer
Declared a conflict and left the call: None declared
Recommendation: Proceed to Funding Committee

19/161 HTA Researcher-led call Evidence Synthesis

NIHR131811 - High-intensity interval training for prevention and treatment of non-communicable diseases: A mixed methods evidence synthesis. (Dr Paul Swinton)

Chair: Andrew Farmer
Declared a conflict, remained in the teleconference: None declared
Declared a conflict and left the call: None declared
Recommendation: Proceed to Funding Committee

19/160 HTA Researcher-led call Primary Research

NIHR131513 - Tube versus Trabeculectomy in Uveitic Glaucoma (TTUG) study (Mr Velota Sung)

Chair: Andrew Farmer
Declared a conflict, remained in the teleconference: Lucy Chappell
Declared a conflict and left the call: None declared
Recommendation: Proceed to Funding Committee

19/160 HTA Researcher-led call Primary Research

NIHR131558 - CLopidogrel and Aspirin after Revascularisation wIth angioplasTY for CLTI (CLARITY) trial (Mr Christiopher Twine)

Chair: Steve Goodacre
Declared a conflict, remained in the teleconference: Lucy Chappell
Declared a conflict and left the call: None declared
Recommendation: Proceed to Funding Committee

19/160 HTA Researcher-led call Primary Research

NIHR131808 - Glaucoma Risk Prediction in ocular hypertension (GRIP): a cohort study using electronic medical records to validate a risk predictor and determine the cost-effectiveness of different monitoring schemes according to risk of conversion to glaucoma (Professor Augusto Azuara-Blanco)

Chair: Steve Goodacre
Declared a conflict, remained in the teleconference: None declared
Declared a conflict and left the call: None declared
Recommendation: Proceed to Funding Committee

19/160 HTA Researcher-led call Primary Research

NIHR131876 - Chemoprevention of skin cancers using nicotinamide (vitamin B3) in organ transplant recipients (COUNT Trial) (Dr Rubeta Matin)

Chair: Steve Goodacre
Declared a conflict, remained in the teleconference: None declared
Declared a conflict and left the call: None declared
Recommendation: Proceed to Funding Committee

19/160 HTA Researcher-led call Primary Research

NIHR131687 - A cluster randomised trial of clinically-assisted hydration in cancer patients in the last days of life (CHELsea II study) (Dr Andrew Davies)

Chair: Andrew Farmer
Declared a conflict, remained in the teleconference: None declared
Declared a conflict and left the call: None declared
Recommendation: Proceed to Funding Committee

19/160 HTA Researcher-led call Primary Research

NIHR131850 - The clinical and cost-effectiveness of elective primary total knee replacement with patellar resurfacing compared to selective patellar resurfacing. A pragmatic multicentre randomised controlled trial with blinding (Professor Ashley Blom)

Chair: Andrew Farmer
Declared a conflict, remained in the teleconference: None declared
Declared a conflict and left the call: None declared
Recommendation: Proceed to Funding Committee

19/160 HTA Researcher-led call Primary Research

NIHR131865 - RandomisEd Trial of EarLy craniopLasty (RETELL study)(Professor Peter Hutchinson)

Chair: Andrew Farmer
Declared a conflict, remained in the teleconference: None declared
Declared a conflict and left the call: None declared
Recommendation: Proceed to Funding Committee

19/160 HTA Researcher-led call Primary Research

NIHR131870 - A multicentre randomised pragmatic trial to evaluate the effectiveness of MT in improving the quality of life of palliative care patients, and the impact on those close to them. (Professor Sam Porter)

Chair: Andrew Farmer
Declared a conflict, remained in the teleconference: Geoff Wong
Declared a conflict and left the call: None declared
Recommendation: Proceed to Funding Committee

19/160 HTA Researcher-led call Primary Research

NIHR131872 - Endoscopic Vein Harvest versus Open Vein Harvest in Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting: a multi-centre randomised controlled trial (UK EVH Trial) (Mr Enoch Akowuah)

Chair: Andrew Farmer
Declared a conflict, remained in the teleconference: None declared
Declared a conflict and left the call: None declared
Recommendation: Proceed to Funding Committee

19/160 HTA Researcher-led call Primary Research

NIHR131873 - Engaging patients to improve the management of toxicity during and after pelvic radiotherapy for gynaecological and anorectal cancers. Randomised controlled trial of eHealth intervention: eRAPID (Electronic patient self-Reporting of Adverse-events: Patient (Professor Galina Velikova)

Chair: Andrew Farmer
Declared a conflict, remained in the teleconference: None declared
Declared a conflict and left the call: None declared
Recommendation: Proceed to Funding Committee

19/160 HTA Researcher-led call Primary Research

NIHR131887 - EValuatIng DiurEtics in Normal CarE (EVIDENCE): - a cluster randomised study of comparative effectiveness of prescribing policy for thiazide-like drugs used for primary hypertension (Dr Alexander Doney)

Chair: Andrew Farmer
Declared a conflict, remained in the teleconference: None declared
Declared a conflict and left the call: None declared
Recommendation: Proceed to Funding Committee

19/160 HTA Researcher-led call Primary Research

NIHR131837 - The clinical and cost-effectiveness of a neonatal sepsis calculator (neoGBS) (Professor Jane Daniels)

Chair: Steve Goodacre
Declared a conflict, remained in the teleconference: None declared
Declared a conflict and left the call: Geoff Wong, Andrew Farmer, Lucy Chappell
Recommendation: Proceed to Funding Committee

19/103 January 2020 HS&DR Researcher-led (Standard)

NIHR131222 - An Adapted Home-Based Cardiac Rehabilitation Programme for Acute Secondary Prevention following a TIA and 'Minor' Stroke: A Randomised Controlled Trial (Dr Neil Heron)

Chair: Andrew Farmer
Declared a conflict, remained in the teleconference: None declared
Declared a conflict and left the call: None declared
Recommendation: Proceed to Funding Committee