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24/88 Ambitious data-enabled "e-trials"


26 July 2024


13:00 on 27 November 2024


  • For help with your application contact
  • For more information about the funding Programme, visit the HTA Page
  • Got a research idea and not sure how to turn it into a funding application? The free NIHR Research Support Service (RSS) supports researchers in England to apply for funding, and to develop and deliver clinical and applied health, social care and public health research post award. Find out how the RSS can help you.

Supporting Information

Please note that the Word version of the Stage 1 application form is to be used as a guide and to assist with completion of the online application form only, for example to see how many characters are accepted in each section and how the printed complete form is laid out. Please do not try to use this as an application form, you must apply using the online form available through the links available when calls are open. You should also refer to the application form guidance notes.

Studies within a trial or a review

  • This funding opportunity is eligible for researchers to embed a study within a trial or a review. These studies should evaluate alternative ways of undertaking a trial or a review process.

The Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Programme is accepting Stage 1 applications to their commissioned workstream for this primary research topic.

In order to apply you will need to carefully review the:

Applications received by the advertised closing date will be considered at a first-stage funding committee meeting, and successful applicants will then be invited to submit a Stage 2 application. Applicants will have 8 weeks to complete and submit their Stage 2 application form, which will then be considered at the following HTA funding committee meeting. For more information, please read the commissioning brief.

All primary research projects are expected to establish a programme appointed Study Steering Committee and it is important that you read the Research Governance Guidance before completing your application. Costs incurred by this committee should be included in the budget as appropriate.

Studies within a trial or review

This funding opportunity is eligible for a SWAT/SWAR (study within a trial or study within a review), which can help significantly improve methodology of future research as well as the host study. Find out about the benefits of SWATs/SWARs and how to include one in your application.