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Programme Grants for Applied Research - Competition 46

Potential advert date

09 October 2024


  • For help with your application contact
  • For more information about the funding Programme, visit the PGfAR Page
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Supporting Information

*This document is to be used as a guide and to assist with completion of the online application form only. Please do not try to use this as an application form. You must apply using the online form available through the 'Apply Now' link which will become available when the call opens.

NIHR Programme Grants for Applied Research (PGfAR) Competition 46 is inviting Stage 1 applications for programmes of applied health research designed to respond to the NIHR PGfAR DHSC Areas of Research Interest One Early Action To Prevent Poor Health Outcomes Competition Brief

PGfAR funds programmes of applied health and care research that generally comprise a number of high quality interrelated projects, usually described in separate work packages, that form a coherent theme, where added value is gained from the combination of the various strands of research. 

Through this ring fenced funding call, PGfAR is seeking to grow a portfolio of applied health and care research programmes specifically designed to address the research objective of DHSC’s Areas of Research Interest 1 ‘Early action to prevent poor health outcomes’:

‘Research to understand and deliver prevention, timely diagnosis and appropriate intervention for people at increased risk of poor health (in particular obesity, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, mental health and cancer) to prevent excess deaths, improve population health (including the health of the working age population), reduce disparities and reduce reliance on health and social care.’

In this call we are open to funding large programmes designed to lead to a step change in outcomes by delivering at scale and pace, of between £3- £5 million across 5-6 years. The amount awarded and the length of the funding period depends on the nature of the proposed work. 

All NHS bodies and other providers of NHS services in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland may propose programmes, in collaboration with an appropriate academic partner or partners. Proposals may include support for patient/service user and carer groups participating in programmes of research. More details on eligibility can be found in the supporting information.

The call will be launching on 09 October 2024.

In advance of the call launch we will be holding a briefing webinar, for more information see the PGfAR events page.

The submission deadline for applications is 13:00 on 04 December 2024.