Senior Clinical and Practitioner Research Award

Senior Clinical and Practitioner Research Award (SCPRA) Round 2


  • Opportunity status:
  • Type:
    Career Development
  • Opening date:
  • Closing date:
  • Reference ID:

Ready to apply?

The Senior Clinical and Practitioner Research Award provides up to 5 years of funding for individuals at the post-doctoral level to engage in research activities.  The award will provide funding for between 20 and 50% protected time from within the individual’s current role to cover salary, training, and development.

The award offers applicants flexibility in that applicants can propose a broad range of research activities to support their career development. Example activities include:

  • leading research projects
  • preparing for future applications for research funding
  • undertaking strategic leadership around research delivery e.g. delivery methodology
  • identifying research priorities
  • identifying knowledge mobilisation topics
  • undertaking research relevant training and development

The scheme is also aimed at individuals that require additional support to develop their track record as an academic leader which could enable them to submit a competitive application for further funding, eg NIHR career development funding, such as an NIHR Advanced Clinical and Practitioner Academic Fellowship (ACAF) or take up a Senior Clinical Academic role at their host organisation.

The SCPRA does not provide funding for a substantive research project. 

All applicants must: 

  • be based at a host organisation based in England
  • have the relevant professional registration in place by the award start date
  • have a PhD/MD in a relevant subject area 
  • be able to demonstrate evidence of clinical/practice leadership

Full details, including the funding available through the scheme, will be available in the Guidance Notes. Please read through these carefully before applying.

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