Global Health Research Centres Learning Research Partner Call Committee Meeting Minutes

  • Published: 05 April 2023
  • Version: V1.0 April 2023
  • 2 min read

Minutes of the Learning Research Partner Call Funding Committee

Date and Location

Wednesday 22 February 2023, 09:00 via Zoom Virtual Meeting


Funding Committee Members -
Professor Dilichukwu Anumba (Chair) Professor, Honorary Consultant Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Sheffield, UK
Dr Julie Bayley Director of Research Impact Development, & Director of the Lincoln Impact Literacy Institute, University of Lincoln, UK
Professor Tazeen H. Jafar Professor of Health Services and Systems Research, Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School, Singapore
Ms Lillian N. Mutengu Programme Manager, Community and Public Engagement, Science for Africa Foundation, Kenya
Mr. Emmanuel Osei-Mensah Monitoring and Evaluation Manager, University of Global Health and Equity, Rwanda
Dr Ian Viney MBE Director of Strategic Evaluation and Impact, Medical Research Council, UK
Mr. Vijay Rajkumar Development professional in community engagement and participatory approaches to planning, monitoring and evaluation.
Dr. Benedict Weobong Senior Lecturer in Social and Behavioural Sciences; Global Mental Health Epidemiologist, School of Public Health, University of Ghana, Ghana


Apologies -
Ms. Kethi Mullei (Funding Committee) Director of Learning and Evaluation, Integra LLC, Kenya
Ms Katie Robertson Global Health Research Programme Officer, DHSC
Mrs Stephanie Russell Global Health Research Portfolio Delivery Manager, DHSC


NIHR Secretariat -
Dr Mike Rogers Assistant Director, Global Health Research
Dr Sylvia Anie Senior Programme Manager, Global Health Research
Mrs Kathryn Rumney Operations Manager, NIHR CCF
Ms Jessica O’Hara Programme Manager, Global Health Research
Ms Bronwyn Mathews Programme Manager, Global Health Research
Ms Emily Griffiths Research Officer, Operations, NIHR CCF
Mr Curtis Dixon Research Officer, Operations, NIHR CCF
Ms Razina Hussain Senior Programme Manager, PPIE, NIHR CCF


Observer -
Ms Francesca Ashworth Global Health Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Manager, DHSC


Welcome, Apologies and Introductions

Professor Dilichukwu Anumba, the Chair of the Funding Committee, officially welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked members for serving on the LRP Funding Committee. The Funding Committee, CCF Secretariat and Observers introduced themselves. The Chair outlined the agenda for the meeting and the purpose of the meeting which was to make funding recommendations to the Department of Health and Social Care. Apologies were received from Ms. Kethi Mullei.

Background of the GHR Centres and Aims of LRP Call

Dr Sylvia Anie, Senior Programme Manager and Centres MEL Lead, gave an overview of the Global Health Research Centres programme, the five GHR Centres awards currently being funded and explained the aims of the LRP call.

Process for assessing applications

Dr Mike Rogers, Assistant Director, informed the Funding Committee about the assessment process for the applications, the scoring, ranking and the feedback processes including an overview of conflicts of interest. The Funding Committee, comprising Global Health Generalists, Subject Matter Experts and Community Engagement and Involvement Specialists scored all the applications, unless they were conflicted or absent.

The Funding Committee was shown a short video on Unconscious Bias produced by the Royal Society followed by a demonstration of Zoom voting by Mr Curtis Dixon, CCF Secretariat.