HSDR Sub-Funding Committee public minutes: Workforce Research Partnerships (Shortlisting meeting) - November 2023

  • Published: 26 January 2024
  • Version: V1.0 - January 2024
  • 1 min read

Monday 13 November 2023


  • virtual via Microsoft Teams

Present Members 

  • Kathy Rowan (Chair and Programme Director)
  • Judith Smith (Deputy Programme Director)
  • Enya Daynes
  • Katie Featherstone
  • Lorna Gibson
  • Paul Wilson (co-opted)


  • Tara Lamont
  • Suzy Hopper
  • Irene Moreno Millan


  • Axel Kaehne

Quoracy Information

  • Voting members (Funding Committee and College of Experts): 13
  • Voting members : 12 (92%)

Stage One Applications

NIHR159772 Staff Wellbeing: Innovative partnerships to enable staff to care well under pressure and thrive at work (Cath Taylor, University of Surrey)
Chair: Kathy Rowan
Declared a conflict and left the room: none
Decision: Shortlist

NIHR159860 Social Care Workforce Research Partnership (Ann-Marie Towers, University of Kent)
Chair: Kathy Rowan
Declared a conflict and left the room: Paul Wilson
Decision: Shortlist

NIHR159864 Same day and urgent care workforce research partnership (Sarah Voss, NHS Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Integrated Care Board)
Chair: Kathy Rowan
Declared a conflict and left the room: None
Decision: Shortlist

NIHR160258 Workforce Innovation Partnership: Shaping and supporting the health and social care workforce of the future (Carla Toro, University of Warwick)
Chair: Kathy Rowan
Declared a conflict and left the room: Judith Smith
Decision: Shortlist

NIHR160416 Informing decision making around efficient health and care workforce prediction and deployment (Peter Griffiths, University of Southampton)
Chair: Kathy Rowan
Declared a conflict and left the room: None
Decision: Reject

NIHR160536 Allied Health Professions Workforce Research Partnership: supporting a sustainable and effective Allied Health Professions workforce in rural and coastal regions and in deprived areas of towns and cities (Julie Nightingale, Sheffield Hallam University)
Chair: Kathy Rowan
Declared a conflict and left the room: None
Decision: Shortlist

NIHR160595 Flourishing at work: the workforce serving pregnancy to preschool (Laura Magee, King's College London)
Chair: Kathy Rowan
Declared a conflict and left the room: Judith Smith, Lorna Gibson
Decision: Shortlist

NIHR160602 Clinical Teams Research Partnership: informing policy on the changing nature of medical work and clinical teams (Karen Bloor, The University of York)
Chair: Kathy Rowan
Declared a conflict and left the room: Judith Smith, Katie Featherstone, Paul Wilson
Decision: Shortlist

NIHR160772 Partnership for Workforce Sustainability in Underserved Areas (Gillian Vance, Newcastle University)
Chair: Kathy Rowan
Declared a conflict and left the room: Paul Wilson
Decision: Shortlist

NIHR160861 'Optimising what we've got': building inclusive partnerships and research capacity to improve NHS staff retention and mental health across the workforce (OPTIMISE) (Simon Wessely, King's College London)
Chair: Kathy Rowan
Declared a conflict and left the room: Katie Featherstone, Enya Daynes, Lorna Gibson
Decision: Shortlist