Invention for Innovation - Product Development Awards Committee A

  • Published: 5 July 2019
  • Version: V8.0 - August 2024
  • 3 min read

The funding committees for the NIHR Invention for Innovation (i4i) Programme are multidisciplinary, comprising academic, clinical and commercial experts, as well as patient and public members. i4i has four committees: three for Product Development Awards (committee A, committee B and committee C), and one for Connect. i4i also has an Interim Committee.

Committee members - Product Development Awards Selection Committee A

Name Position Organisation Expertise
Ms Emma Palmer Foster (Chair) Healthcare Consultant EJ Palmer Consulting Ms Palmer Foster has 30 years experience in life sciences investment banking, venture capital, investor relations, technology transfer and journalism.
Professor Paul Sibbons (Deputy Chair) Independent pre-clinical Consultant Independent Consultant

Professor Sibbons has extensive experience in pre-clinical surgery, pathology, evaluation and interpretation.


Professor Raimondo Ascione Professor of Cardiac Surgery and Translational Research and Honorary Consultant Cardiac Surgeon University of Bristol Professor Ascione has cardiovascular surgical expertise and experience in developing and testing new heart valves and new stents.
Professor Clive Buckberry

Co-founder and Fellow of Engineering


Quanta Dialysis Technologies


Professor Buckberry is a mechanical engineer by background and has experience in technology development, clinical evaluation and implementation.
Mr Ravi Chana Head of Business Development
Roche Diagnostics UK Limited Mr Chana has a broad range of expertise in business development, market access, health economics, medtech commercialisation and value based healthcare.
Ms Mary Anne Cordeiro Consultant to life science businesses Science to Business Ltd Ms Cordeiro has expertise in corporate finance and merchant banking to life science companies as well as investment fund experience in the healthcare sector.
Professor Gail Hayward Associate Professor
University of Oxford Professor Hayward is a practising GP and experienced in diagnostics and infectious diseases research in primary care.
Professor David Jayne Professor (Clinical) University of Leeds Professor Jayne's expertise covers general surgery with coloproctology sub-specialisation, robotic and minimally invasive surgery, gastrointestinal oncology and global surgery.
Mr Derek Jerome  PPI representative     PPI representative     PPI representative   
Professor Pamela Kearns Emeritus Professor of Clinical Paediatric Oncology, University of Birmingham University of Birmingham Professor Kearns is a clinician by background with clinical trial expertise in cancer and paediatrics. She was the Director of the Cancer Research UK Clinical Trials Unit for over 10 years.
Dr Michael Kipping Director, Medical Technologies Element Materials Technology UK Dr Kipping has over 25 years of experience in medtech. He has regulatory expertise and supports businesses to understand the clinical safety of medical devices.
Dr Zahid Latif VP Global Innovation Shionogi Europe Dr Latif is a qualified pharmacist with experience in the private, public and non-profit sectors, specialising in life sciences and technology.
Professor James Moore The Bagrit Chair in Medical Device Design Imperial College London Professor Moore has experience in research commercialisation and his interests include cardiovascular biomechanics, implantable devices, and the lymphatic system.

Dr Nick de Pennington




Ufonia Limited


Dr de Pennington is a former neurosurgeon with experience in digital innovation, health AI and clinical entrepreneurship.
Dr Michael Schlussel Senior Medical Statistician NDORMS University of Oxford Dr Schlussel works as a methodologist and trial statistician for different health projects. He has an interest in strengthening medical research integrity and transparency.
Dr Julie Simmonds Managing Director, Equity Research Panmure Gordon Dr Simmonds has expertise in investment and financial analysis across the healthcare sector, including medical devices, digital health and biotechnology.
Dr Andrew Sims Head of Department, Northern Medical Physics and Clinical Engineering The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust; Freeman Hospital, Newcastle upon Tyne Dr Sims is a medical physicist specialising in technology assessment of medical devices and diagnostics. He has expertise in medical image analysis and research commercialisation.
Dr Corinne Squire Interim Director of Clinical Innovation Cardiff University Dr Squire has an academic background in biochemistry and has experience in clinical innovations, technology transfer, research development and commercialisation.
Ms Alexina Weekes PPI representative   PPI representative    PPI representative
Dr Charles Young Emergency Physician / Independent Consultant St Thomas’ Hospital / Independent Consultant Dr Young is an Emergency Physician who works in a broad range of senior commercial, academic, and not for profit healthcare roles in the UK and internationally, with a particular focus on digital health innovation, clinical workflows, and healthcare administration.