NIHR Global Health Research Units/Groups - Financial Assurance Fund Committee minutes (February 2020)

  • Published: 27 February 2020
  • Version: V1.0 - February 2020
  • 3 min read

Date: Wednesday 5 February 2020

Place: Via videoconference

Present members

Chair: Ms Genny Kiff, University of Oxford
Deputy Chair: Reverend Keith Stephenson
Committee member: Mr Gerald Bates, BDO
Committee member: Mr Khairul Bashar, ACU
Committee member: Dr Katherine McCurrie, Wellcome Trust
Committee member: Ms Pam Hicks, UKRI
Committee member: Mr Rudi Lewin, Humentum

DHSC representatives

Ms Aaronjay Tidball, Global Health Research Programme Officer


NETSCC, Secretariat

Dr Sarah Puddicombe (Assistant Director)
Mrs Stephanie Russell (Senior Research Manager)
Ms Suman Ranu (Assistant Finance Manager)
Ms Renee Lewin (Research Awards Manager)
Mrs Louise Schmidt (Research Manager)
Ms Maria Lane (Assistant Research Manager)
Ms Linda Welch (Assistant Research Manager)





Quoracy Information

Voting members: 6 (all members) Quorum = 100%


Review of Applications

16/137/87– Professor Shabbar Jaffar, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine

NIHR Global Health Research Group on prevention and management of non-communicable diseases and HIV-infection in Africa, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine
Chair: Genny Kiff
DCMs: 1. Gerald Bates 2. Rudi Lewin
No conflicts declared.
Committee recommendation: Recommend for funding.


16/137/62– Professor Louise Robinson, University of Newcastle upon Tyne

NIHR Global Health Group on Dementia Prevention and Enhanced Care (DePEC), Newcastle University
Chair: Genny Kiff
DCMs: 1. Pam Hicks 2. Gerald Bates
No conflicts declared.
Committee recommendation: Recommend for funding


16/137/114 – Professor Robert Harrison, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine

NIHR Global Health Research Group on African Snakebite Research, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine
Chair: Genny Kiff
DCMs: 1. Keith Stephenson 2. Katherine McCurrie
No conflicts declared.
Committee recommendation: Recommend for funding


16/136/111 – Dr David Aanensen, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute

NIHR Global Health Research Unit on Genomic Surveillance of Antimicrobial Resistance, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
Chair: Keith Stephenson
DCMs: 1. Khairul Bashar 2. Pam Hicks
Conflicts: Genny Kiff (Wellcome), Gerald Bates (BDO). Rudi Lewin declared a conflict at the meeting and did not vote.
Committee recommendation: Recommend for funding


17/63/47– Professor David Osrin, UCL Institute of Child Health

NIHR Global Health Group on Dementia Prevention and Enhanced Care (DePEC) at the University of Newcastle
Chair: Keith Stephenson
DCMs: 1. Rudi Lewin 2. Khairul Bashar
Conflicts: Gerald Bates (BDO). Pam Hicks declared a conflict at the meeting and did not vote.
Committee recommendation: Recommend for funding with changes.


17/63/66– Professor Catherine Sackley, King's College London

NIHR Global Health Research Group on stroke at King's College, London
Chair: Genny Kiff
DCMs: 1. Katherine McCurrie 2. Gerald Bates
No conflicts declared.
Committee recommendation: Decline.


17/63/155- Professor Daniel Pope, University of Liverpool

NIHR Global Health Research Group on Clean Energy Access for the prevention of Non-communicable disease in Africa through clean Air: CLEAN-AIR(Africa) at the University of Liverpool
Chair: Genny Kiff
DCMs: 1. Pam Hicks 2. Keith Stephenson
No conflicts declared
Committee recommendation: Decline.


17/63/20– Professor Sally Singh, University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust

NIHR Global Health Research Group on Psychosis Outcomes: the Warwick-India-Canada {WIC} Network, The University of Warwick
Chair: Genny Kiff
DCMs: 1. Khairul Bashar 2. Rudi Lewin
No conflicts declared.
Committee recommendation: Decline.


Summary of outcomes


Project ID Lead Host Institution Project Title Recommendation


Call 1 Group

Jaffar Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine NIHR Global Health Research Group on prevention and management of non-communicable diseases and HIV-infection in Africa, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine Recommend for funding.


Call 1 Group

Robinson University of Newcastle upon Tyne NIHR Global Health Group on Dementia Prevention and Enhanced Care (DePEC), Newcastle University Recommend for funding


Call 1 Group

Harrison Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine NIHR Global Health Research Group on African Snakebite Research, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine Recommend for funding


Call 1 Unit

Aanensen Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute NIHR Global Health Research Unit on Genomic Surveillance of Antimicrobial Resistance, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute Recommend for funding


Call 2 Group

Osrin UCL Institute of Child Health NIHR Global Health Group on Dementia Prevention and Enhanced Care (DePEC) at the University of Newcastle Recommend for funding with changes


Call 2 Group

Sackley King's College London NIHR Global Health Research Group on stroke at King's College, London Decline


Call 2 Group

Pope University of Liverpool NIHR Global Health Research Group on Clean Energy Access for the prevention of Non-communicable disease in Africa through clean Air: CLEAN-AIR(Africa) at the University of Liverpool Decline


Call 2 Group

Singh University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust NIHR Global Health Research Group on Psychosis Outcomes: the Warwick-India-Canada {WIC} Network, The University of Warwick Decline