NIHR PGfAR Fast Track - Guidance for Applicants
- Published: 19 August 2024
- Version: V1.0 - August 2024
- 5 min read
Programme Grants for Applied Research (PGfAR) are always looking for ways to improve our funding scheme; to make the application process as useful and streamlined as possible to reduce burden on applicants and allow the funding scheme to be as responsive as possible to the UK’s research needs. To this end we have created two new Fast Track application processes. Please see further details below on each process.
Expressions of interest (EoI) for both streams need to fit within the remit, scope and quality of PGfAR awards. Applicants are encouraged to review the PGfAR main web page, Stage 1 Guidance for Applicants and Stage 2 Guidance for Applicants prior to completing the questions in the relevant EoI form linked below.
Please note the fast track processes do not replace the regular PGfAR application process and strict remit checks will be carried out before submissions are accepted. Applicants should consider the advantages and disadvantages of applying through these fast track processes compared to the usual process of applying through stage 1 and the benefit this provides in terms of receiving detailed feedback from our funding committee prior to a stage 2 application.
Time sensitive research
The aim of this application stream is to allow programmes whose research is time sensitive to apply, contract and start work in a timely manner, outside of the usual PGfAR thrice yearly funding rounds.
Time sensitive programmes will include those answering NHS, public health or social care priority research needs which have a fixed time frame, or are one-off initiatives or pilots that need immediate evaluation. A typical example would be where a timely evaluation of a real world natural experiment is needed.
The PGfAR fast track for time sensitive research process has been designed to enable research to start approximately 14 weeks after the EoI submission.
- Applicants submit an expression of interest (EoI) form providing justification for the time sensitivity, a brief outline providing the context for the research including literature and links to policy, an outline of the programme plan and details of the research team.
- The PGfAR team will carry out an remit and eligibility check of the EoI and provide feedback within 2 weeks.
- In parallel, all research team members are encouraged to register on the Research Management System (RMS). For awards seeking to recruit participants as part of their programme plan, you will be expected to submit a SoECAT as part of your full proposal. Early engagement with AcoRD specialists is essential.
- If eligible, the applicant will be invited to submit a standard stage 2 application form via the RMS. The applicant will have a minimum of 3 weeks to complete this form and submit via the RMS.
- Upon submission, reviews, assessment and scrutiny checks will be carried out (2 weeks)
- The lead applicant will then be invited to attend an online meeting (approximately 1 week later) with a small PGfAR sub-committee. Key questions that the committee wishes to raise in the meeting will be shared in advance.
- The sub-committee’s outcome will be communicated to the applicant a day after a funding recommendation has been ratified by DHSC/NIHR officials, together with more detailed feedback. This stage typically takes 2 weeks.
- If successful, PGfAR will endeavour to issue the research contract within 4 weeks. An “Intent to Fund” letter will be provided at the outcome stage so that the research team can start getting ready to start their research.
How to apply
To submit an EoI to the PGfAR Fast track - time sensitive research process please complete the fast track time sensitive EoI form. A member of the PGfAR team will then be in contact with you regarding the next steps.
Please also ensure that all research team members are registered on the Research Management System and the AcoRD specialists are engaged in good time.
If you have any issues or questions please email
Seed funded research
The aim of this Fast Track is to encourage a pipeline of PGfAR awards from closely aligned NIHR and Devolved Administration funding streams:
- streamlining the translation of of previously successful research awards for the benefit of patients, service users, carers and the wider public
- assisting with keeping developed research teams in place for continuity.
This process is launched as a pilot open only to awards made by the following schemes:
- NIHR Research for Public Benefit (RfPB),
- Health and Care Research Wales Research for Patient and Public Benefit (HCRW RfPPB)
- HCRW Integrated Funding Scheme,
- Scotland's Chief Scientist Office Response mode funding schemes.
Please note, this process will not apply to Competition 46 which will be ring fenced to address DHSC Areas of Research Interest 1, where Stage 2 will open in February 2025. The expression of interest form is therefore not currently open for submissions, and will reopen for Competition 47.
Successful EoIs will be required to enter the next business as usual Stage 2 competitive round.
Entering Stage 2 via the fast track route rather than via the standard Stage 1 process is a competitive risk. Your Stage 2 application would be expected to be of the quality of the applications to the round, which were shortlisted at Stage 1 and have benefited from informative advice provided by the Stage 1 sub-committee, methodological and PPIE reviews. Therefore the case should be made as to why a fast tracked application is necessary in terms of producing timely findings of benefit to the patient, service users, carers and the wider public and the health and care systems.
To provide assurance that you are prepared to submit a high quality Stage 2 application to the next a competitive round, applicants would be expected to have:
- completed a recent review of the relevant literature, policies and practice guidelines
- assembled an experienced team
- prepared in order to complete a full a research budget and SoECAT
- considered research inclusion
- collaboratively consulted patients and the public.
The PGfAR Fast track - Seed funded research application process allows teams seeking to build on previously funded research to complete the application process with fewer administrative hurdles and in a more timely manner, i.e. shortening the short listing period by 1.5 months.
- Applicants submit the EoI form outlining the prior research and why fast track is the optimal next step, the importance and relevance of the planned research, an outline of the programme plan and details of the research team.
- The EoI must be submitted at least 2 weeks ahead of the PGfAR stage 2 launch date (see PGfAR competition dates).
- PGfAR team carry out remit checks including verifying seed funding (1 week)
- Outcome conveyed to the applicant and if successful, invited to complete PGfAR stage 2 standard application form via our online system.
- From then on, the application enters the standard PGfAR Stage 2 process for scrutiny, review, rebuttals, committee assessment and ratification.
How to apply
To submit an application to the NIHR PGfAR Fast track seed funded research process please complete the fast track seed funded EoI form. A member of the PGfAR team will then be in contact with you regarding the next steps.
Please also ensure that all research team members are registered on the Research Management System in good time.
If you have any issues or questions please email