NIHR directory

Dr Martin Elliott

Dr Martin Elliott is the NIHR Clinical Research Network National Specialty Lead for Children and Young People’s Cancer.

Dr Elliott completed his specialty training in Liverpool and Leeds and during his training he conducted pre-clinical research in neuroblastoma and was awarded a PhD. Martin was appointed as a paediatric and teenage oncology consultant at Leeds in 2005, where he has remained.

Dr Elliott is a member of the NCRI Children’s Group and the neuroblastoma and new-agents sub-groups. He has a clinical research interest in neuroblastoma and is the UK chief investigator of a large international clinical trial (SIOPEN - High Risk Neuroblastoma 2). He represents the UK and is secretary of the executive board of the European Neuroblastoma Research Consortium - SIOPEN.

Dr Elliott leads the Leeds Paediatric ECMC (Experimental Cancer Medicine Centre). He is committed to improving outcomes for children and young people with cancer through research.