NIHR directory

Professor Yvonne Birks

Represents the NIHR research schools on the NIHR Strategy and Engagement Board

She is the Director of the NIHR School for Social Care Research and an NIHR Senior Investigator.

Based at the University of York, she is Professor of Applied Health and Social Care Research in the School of Business and Society.

Professor Birks is a mixed methods researcher with a professional background in nursing, who has worked in applied health and social care research for over 25 years. She has worked on service evaluation, trials, outcome measurement development and co-production approaches. Her portfolio of work largely concentrates on social care for older people, with a specific interest in self-funders.

She supports social care agendas and research within a number of NIHR infrastructures including the Yorkshire and Humber regional NIHR Applied Research Collaboration, the Partnership for Responsive Policy Analysis and Research (PREPARE), A dementia and degenerative diseases NIHR Policy Research Unit and the York NIHR Evidence Synthesis Unit and the Yorkshire and Humber RSS.