Global Health Research Centres
The Global Health Research Centres programme funds research-driven partnerships between institutions in low and middle income countries (LMICs) and in the UK.
The centres undertake high quality research and strengthen LMIC institutional capacity to undertake, manage and disseminate high-quality applied health research.
The Global Health Research Centres programme funds high quality applied health research in LMICs and supports the development of a critical mass of sustainable, competitive research capacity.
By delivering high quality research evidence and strengthening research capacity at all levels, our Global Health Research Centres will improve health outcomes for people in LMICs and support sustainable growth of the LMIC research ecosystem.
On this page:
The Global Health Research Centres programme funds ambitious, transformative, innovative and collaborative consortia of research institutions in the UK and in LMICs that are eligible for Official Development Assistance (ODA). High quality research and research capacity strengthening in LMICs are equally essential components of the programme.
Each funding call addresses an area where there is a need for coordinated, high quality research in LMICs to increase the global evidence base. The first funding call will fund and designate NIHR Global Health Research Centres in non-communicable diseases.
Centres also have a focus on capacity building and training in partner LMIC institutions, through:
- strengthening career pathways for researchers, from masters students to senior academics
- developing and retaining a trained and networked global cohort of experts and future research leaders
- supporting the training and development of research managers and other non-academic staff.
Funding amount and duration
Funding awards of up to £10 million over five years (with an option to add two extra years) are available to consortia led by a director based in an LMIC and made up of one UK institution and up to four LMIC institutions.
How to apply
The Global Health Research Centres programme holds two-stage funding calls. See the dates of our funding calls.
At stage 1, applicants submit an outline of the proposed research plan. Applicants who are successful at stage 1 are invited to submit a stage 2 application, which requires more detailed information.
An independent international Funding Committee reviews, scores and shortlists eligible applications at stage 1 and stage 2.
Research proposals should be submitted online through the Research Management System. We supply guidance for applicants on filling in the stage 1 application form and the financial information required as part of an application.
What we fund
Global Health Research Centres are consortia of up to five institutions, led by a director based in an LMIC lead institution in a country eligible for Official Development Assistance (ODA). Consortia should have a UK joint lead administering institution.
The lead LMIC institution and UK join lead are expected to have an established track record in the topic for the call. The LMIC partner institutions - of which there can be up to three - do not need to have a strong track record in the relevant research topic, but should be keen to build expertise in the area.
Applicants must demonstrate how their proposal meets ODA compliance criteria.
Find out more about ODA eligibility
The key criteria for Global Health Research Centres programme are:
- Research capacity strengthening
- Research excellence
- Relevance
- Leadership
- Equity and equitable partnerships
- Governance
- Stakeholder and community involvement
- Impact and sustainability
The Global Health Research Centres programme will support applications that:
- Propose institutional level applied health research projects or programmes that address the challenges faced by people and patients in LMICs.
- Incorporate research questions around gender, age, social barriers to health, economic impact and equity that are directly relevant to the LMICs involved in the consortium.
- Include multidisciplinary and/or interdisciplinary applied health researchers from the UK and LMIC institutions, with relevant expertise and a track record (for the Joint Lead Institutions) of ensuring research is transferred into benefits for patients.
- Demonstrate equity and collaboration in programme leadership, decision making, capacity strengthening, governance, appropriate distribution of funds, ethics processes, data ownership and dissemination of findings.
- Include relevant engagement with policy makers and practitioners, patients, the public, civil society organisations, communities and charities.
- Propose a coherent and sustainable plan for capacity and capability strengthening, at all levels and particularly at the institutional level, across centre institutions.
- Demonstrate the strength of UK-LMIC institutional commitment to the research partnership.
The Global Health Research Centres programme will not support applications that:
- Focus solely on research with no substantive focus on research capacity strengthening, or vice versa.
- Only include well-established research institutions.
- Only include limited methodological approaches (e.g. randomised controlled trials, evidence synthesis, service evaluations) or limit their focus to:
- Observational research, secondary research or health policy implementation.
- Basic laboratory/discovery research or experimental medicine
- Replicate research already undertaken in high income countries – research proposals should be clearly relevant to the LMICs in which the research is to be undertaken
- Do not consider career development and capacity strengthening for research-enabling functions
- Do not consider the wider research environment
- Do not consider how to strengthen systems of evidence use.
Our people
Applications to the Global Health Research Centres programme are reviewed by professional and public reviewers on an independent International Funding Committee.
The committees recommend which centres should be funded to the Department of Health and Social Care, which approves the funding awards.
Members of NIHR committees are required to declare any interests which conflict, or may be considered to conflict, with NIHR business, or may be perceived as influencing decisions made in the course of their work within NIHR programmes.
All members are asked to complete the Register of Interest form (annually), which is intended to capture long term predictable interests that could be perceived to lead to conflicts of interest. These and other interests are judged on a case by case basis at individual meetings.
Funding calls
The Global Health Research Centres programme will hold its first funding call in 2020. See the dates for our funding calls.
Call 1 - Non-communicable diseases (2020)
Call 1 will fund and designate NIHR Global Health Research Centres in non-communicable diseases.
Call 1 was launched on 14 October 2020. The centres awarded funding was announced in Spring 2022.
- Call Remit and Guidance
- Stage 1 Guidance for Applicants
- Stage 2 Guidance for Applicants
- Stage 2 committee meeting minutes
- Finance Guidance
- Global Health Research Programmes Core Guidance
- Applicant webinar - recording (for a copy of the slides, please email on the email address below)
Learning Research Partner Call
The NIHR Policy Research Programme (PRP) invited applications for a Learning Research Partner to support, embed and advance methodological approaches - spanning monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL), research on research, and continuous improvement - across the first 3 years of the first cohort of NIHR Global Health Research Centres awards.
This call launched in November 2022 and has now closed.
Contact us
We offer a wide variety of assistance during all stages of the research process. If in doubt, please get in touch.
Tel: 020 8843 8286
Our operating hours are 09:00 to 17:00 GMT.