Research for Patient Benefit - Yorkshire and North East Regional Advisory Committee

  • Published: 1 January 2019
  • Version: VJan 2025 - January 2025
  • 2 min read

NIHR Research for Patient Benefit is a national funding programme that funds research on a regional level through eight Regional Advisory Committees. Each region has a local committee chair and members, and patient or public members.

Regional chair

Dr Judith Cohen is Chair of the Yorkshire and North East Regional Advisory Committee for NIHR Research for Patient Benefit.

Committee members

Name  Position  Organisation  Expertise 
Victoria Bartle Public Member - -
Mrs Samina Begum Public Member  -  -
Professor Ann-Louise Caress Professor of Health Services Research and Director, Centre for Applied Research in Health (CARH) University of Huddersfield  Living with long term conditions (especially respiratory and renal), patient/carer experience, patient education, health information, patient and public involvement
Dr Stephen Chapman NIHR Clinical Lecturer in General Surgery University of Leeds Abdominal and emergency surgery; perioperative care and recovery; coloproctology; pilot and feasibility studies; clinical trials; consensus methods; qualitative research; intervention development
Professor Emma Giles Professor Public Health Teesside University Health services research, Qualitative research, Behavioural, Mental health, Generic Health Relevance. Research focuses on public health promotion and prevention, namely the interplay between mental and physical health, obesity and weight management, behaviour change, co-producing and designing healthcare systems, and evaluation of complex interventions. 
Dr Julia Hackett Research Fellow  University of York Health services research, Qualitative methods, research has been mixed-methods, with specific expertise in applying qualitative methods to explore the care and support of adults, children, and young people with palliative care needs and at end of life; their families; and the health and social care professionals who support them.
Dr Harry Hill Research Fellow in Health Economics University of Sheffield Health Economics
Professor Andy Husband  Professor of Clinical Pharmacy Newcastle University School of Pharmacy Mixed methods and evidence synthesis around the safe and effective use of medicines and electronic systems to support safe medicines use
Dr Laura Jefferson Research Fellow University of York General Practice, Clinical trials, Health services research, Qualitative research. Experienced health services researcher with skills in a range of methods and a particular interest in general practice workforce research. Experience of leading or contributing to research projects in wide ranging fields from orthopaedic randomised controlled trials to applied qualitative health research. 
Dr Peter Knapp Reader in Health Sciences University of York & the Hull York Medical School Reader in Health Sciences at the University of York & the Hull York Medical School. He is a highly experienced academic and applied health researcher, having worked in higher education since 1993. Currently his main research activities are in information for patients and patient engagement with health services. Although originally trained in quantitative methods, he is equally comfortable with undertaking quantitative or qualitative research, and has experience of undertaking trials, cohort studies, surveys, interview and focus groups studies, and systematic reviews.
Mrs Ellen Lee Research Fellow University of Sheffield Medical statistics; design and analysis of clinical trials; pragmatic trials and complex interventions
Professor Rory O'Connor Charterhouse Professor of Rehabilitation Medicine University of Leeds Clinical trials, Health services research, Qualitative research, Injuries and accidents, Musculoskeletal Neurological, Stroke, Generic Health Relevance. 
Mrs Jan Speechley Public Member - -
Dr Eugene Tang NIHR Clinical Lecturer Newcastle University General Practice, Secondary analysis, Health services research, Qualitative research, expertise in both stroke and dementia to supplement experience as a general practitioner.
Dr Justine Tomlinson Assistant Professor in Medical Education University of Bradford Pharmacist - medicines safety, elderly care, transitions of care
Ms Alex Wright-Hughes Principal Statistician University of Leeds Statistics, Clinical trial design, Complex interventions