Advanced Surgical Technology Incubator

  • Published: 13 August 2020
  • Version: V2.0 Mar 2021
  • 1 min read

The NIHR Incubator for Advanced Surgical Technology was launched (April 2020) after a proposal submitted by the Royal College of Surgeons of England (RCSE).

The Incubator has been created to develop a vibrant, multi-disciplinary, advanced surgical technologies research community to realise the rapidly increasing potential of assistive, robotic and minimally-invasive surgery for the NHS.

The aim of the Incubator is to:

  • Increase research capacity and future leadership training for those who will shape and deliver research into surgical robotics and minimally invasive techniques.
  • Enhance the opportunities for academic career development for clinical academics and allied health professionals in surgical technology research by signposting appropriate training programmes and mentorship.
  • Build an inclusive research community by forging links between key stakeholders, including healthcare professionals, engineers, industry partners, and public and patients to develop strategies and initiatives leading to new technologies.

The Incubator will work to deliver its aims by providing inter-sectorial collaborations and engagement opportunities, resources and training activities (for example bespoke new modules, placements and short projects, new fellowship schemes) for both clinical and non-clinical researchers in surgical technology.
The Incubator community welcomes all those who wish to pursue academic careers in surgical technology, as well as those who support and mentor aspirant researchers in the area.
For more information about the incubator please visit the Incubator for Advanced Surgical Technology website or contact