Equitable Partnerships Guide

  • Published: 01 May 2020
  • Version: V1.1 - March 2021
  • 2 min read

Research partnerships between LMICs and UK researcher can create a variety of opportunities and benefits for all parties but also bring with them their own unique set of considerations and challenges.  Building and maintaining equitable partnerships can help ensure that research outcomes are mutually beneficial and more likely to achieve the desired development impact. 

The resources below provide advice and guidance for equitable research partnerships at all stages of the relationship, including:

  • Building equitable research partnerships
  • Evaluating and improving established research partnerships
  • Resources for capacity strengthening

We do not promote any particular organisations or values relating to the information provided, and individuals and teams are encouraged to review these resources and apply what is useful or relevant to them.

Building equitable research partnerships

These resources provide guidance on how to ensure that the concept of equity is built into a partnership from the start, as well as advice on how to organise research collaborations to achieve a mutual spread of responsibilities and benefits.

Evaluating and improving established research partnerships 

 These resources aim to with provide researchers with the tools to reflect and evaluate on the partnerships that they have formed, and consider ways that they might be improved to be made more equitable.  

Resources for capacity strengthening 

 For researchers looking to ensure that their partnerships can optimise the benefits experienced by collaborating institutions, and result in sustainable, long-term improvements to research infrastructure. 

Further reading and background information