NIHR directory

Professor William Rosenberg

Professor William Rosenberg is the National Specialty Lead for the Hepatology at NIHR Clinical Research Network. He holds the Peter Scheuer Chair of Liver Diseases at the Institute for Liver and Digestive Health, University College London.

Professor William Rosenberg is a graduate of the University of Cambridge and qualified in medicine at Guy’s Hospital, London. He trained in London and Oxford and gained his DPhil in molecular medicine in Oxford in 1992. As Clinical Tutor in Medicine he co-founded the Centre for Evidence Based Medicine in Oxford before moving to Southampton in 1997 where he was professor of hepatology, NHS Director of Research and Development, and Director of the Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Facility. He moved to University College London in 2007 to take up the Peter Scheuer Chair in Liver Diseases.

Professor Rosenberg is an active clinical investigator in the field of viral hepatitis. He leads a research program spanning basic, translational, clinical and applied health research. Main areas of interest are vaccines, immune responses in viral hepatitis, the use of non-invasive tests for liver fibrosis, and the clinical epidemiology of chronic liver disease.