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Call 1 selection committee meeting minutes March 2017


Published: 20 November 2019

Version: 2.0 Nov 2020

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Global Health Research Programme - Call 1 Units and Groups Selection Panel Committee Meeting


6th & 7th March 2017


Danubius Hotel, St John’s Wood, London.


Present Members

Professor Fred Binka
Deputy Chair
Professor Francisca Mutapi
Core Committee Members
Professor Kevin Marsh
Professor Janaka de Silva
Professor Peter Byass
Professor Li Yang Hsu
Professor Catherine Law
Dr Lesong Conteh
Professor Martin Prince
Professor Helen Lambert
Professor Caroline Jones
Professor David Lalloo
Professor Peter Smith
Professor Majid Ezzati
Professor Moffat Nyirenda
Professor Charles Mgone

NETSCC Secretariat
Ms Elaine Williams, Director
Dr Martin Ashton-Key, Scientific Director and
Consultant in Public Health Medicine
Mrs Stephanie Russell, Senior Research Manager
Mrs Rebecca Croucher, Research Manager
Mrs Stella Burton, Administrator
Ms Katherine Paes, Assistant Research Manager (Day 1 only)
Dr Sarah Puddicombe, Assistant Director (from lunchtime, Day 1)
Dr Helen Walters, Consultant in Public Health Medicine / Consultant Advisor (Day 1 only)

DHSC Representatives
Alison MacEwen (Senior Programme Manager, DH)
Dr Val Snewin (Senior Programme Manager, DH)
Dr Marta Tufet (Global Health Advisor, DH)
Dr Ursula Wells (Section Head, DH)
Professor Chris Whitty (Chief Scientific Advisor, DH) (Day 1 only)



Review of Applications

Day 1

16/136/33: Professor Mark Woolhouse, The University of Edinburgh
Chair: Fred Binka
Designated panel members: Charles Mgone, David Lalloo
Declared a conflict and left the room: Francisca Mutapi
Outcome: Straight Fund

16/136/111: Dr David Aanensen, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
Chair: Fred Binka
Designated panel members: Francisca Mutapi, Li Yang Hsu
Declared a conflict and left the room: Lesong Conteh
Outcome: Straight Fund

16/136/46: Professor Robert Heyderman, University College London
Chair: Fred Binka
Designated panel members: Charles Mgone, Francisca Mutapi
Declared a conflict and left the room: Moffat Nyirenda, David Lalloo, Catherine Law
Outcome: Straight Fund

16/136/35: Professor Stephen Squire, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine
Chair: Fred Binka
Designated panel members: Kevin Marsh, Caroline Jones
Declared a conflict and left the room: David Lalloo
Outcome: Straight Fund

16/136/117: Professor Tim Allen, London School of Economics & Political Science
Chair: Fred Binka
Designated panel members: Li Yang Hsu, Charles Mgone
Declared a conflict and left the room: Peter Smith, Moffat Nyirenda
Outcome: Decline

16/136/24: Professor John Danesh, The Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of the University of Cambridge
Chair: Fred Binka
Designated panel members: Majid Ezzati, Li Yang Hsu
Declared a conflict and left the room: None identified
Outcome: Decline

16/136/87: Professor Richard Lilford, University of Warwick
Chair: Fred Binka
Designated panel members: Caroline Jones, Janaka De Silva
Declared a conflict and left the room: None identified
Outcome: Straight Fund

16/136/85: Professor Kara Hanson, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
Chair: Fred Binka
Designated panel members: Peter Byass, Helen Lambert
Declared a conflict and left the room: Moffat Nyirenda, Peter Smith, Lesong Conteh, Caroline Jones, Chris Whitty
Outcome: Decline

16/136/23: Professor Richard Sullivan, King's College London
Chair: Fred Binka
Designated panel members: Peter Smith, Francisca Mutapi
Declared a conflict and left the room: Majid Ezzati, Martin Prince, Lesong Conteh
Outcome: Decline

16/136/34: Professor Ara Darzi, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
Chair: Fred Binka
Designated panel members: David Lalloo, Martin Prince
Declared a conflict and left the room: Majid Ezzati, Peter Byass, Lesong Conteh
Outcome: Decline

16/136/100: Professor Alastair Ager, Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh
Chair: Fred Binka
Designated panel members: David Lalloo, Martin Prince
Declared a conflict and left the room: None identified
Outcome: Straight Fund

16/136/68: Professor John Chambers, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
Chair: Fred Binka
Designated panel members: Moffat Nyirenda, Li Yang Hsu
Declared a conflict and left the room: Majid Ezzati, Lesong Conteh
Outcome: Straight Fund

16/136/55: Associate Professor Pablo Perel, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
Chair: Fred Binka
Designated panel members: Janaka De Silva, Caroline Jones
Declared a conflict and left the room: Moffat Nyirenda, Peter Smith, Martin Prince
Outcome: Decline

16/136/56: Professor Ibrahim Abubakar, University College London
Chair: Fred Binka
Designated panel members: Kevin Marsh, Janaka De Silva
Declared a conflict and left the room: Moffat Nyirenda, Peter Smith, Catherine Law
Outcome: Decline

16/136/19: Professor John Britton, University of Nottingham
Chair: Fred Binka
Designated panel members: Charles Mgone, Catherine Law
Declared a conflict and left the room: None identified
Outcome: Decline

16/136/102: Professor Colin Palmer, University of Dundee
Chair: Fred Binka
Designated panel members: Janaka De Silva, Helen Lambert
Declared a conflict and left the room: None identified
Outcome: Straight Fund

16/136/77: Professor Graham MacGregor, Queen Mary University of London
Chair: Fred Binka
Designated panel members: Majid Ezzati, Caroline Jones
Declared a conflict and left the room: Martin Prince
Outcome: Straight Fund

16/136/54: Professor Martin Prince, King's College London
Chair: Fred Binka
Designated panel members: Lesong Conteh, Francisca Mutapi
Declared a conflict and left the room: Martin Prince
Outcome: Straight Fund

16/136/42: Professor Atif Rahman, University of Liverpool
Chair: Fred Binka
Designated panel members: Moffat Nyirenda, Charles Mgone
Declared a conflict and left the room: David Lalloo, Caroline Jones, Martin Prince
Outcome: Decline

16/136/110: Professor Nigel Stocks, University of Warwick
Chair: Fred Binka
Designated panel members: Helen Lambert, Peter Smith
Declared a conflict and left the room: David Lalloo
Outcome: Decline

16/136/11: Professor Paul Hunter, University of East Anglia
Chair: Fred Binka
Designated panel members: Caroline Jones, Peter Byass
Declared a conflict and left the room: None identified
Outcome: Decline

16/136/29: Professor Melanie Newport, University of Sussex
Chair: Fred Binka
Designated panel members: Charles Mgone, Peter Byass
Declared a conflict and left the room: None identified
Outcome: Straight Fund

16/136/109: Professor Aziz Sheikh, The University of Edinburgh
Chair: Fred Binka
Designated panel members: Helen Lambert, Majid Ezzati
Declared a conflict and left the room: Francisca Mutapi
Outcome: Straight Fund

16/136/79: Professor Dion Morton, University of Birmingham
Chair: Fred Binka
Designated panel members: David Lalloo, Caroline Jones
Declared a conflict and left the room: Francisca Mutapi
Outcome: Straight Fund

16/136/97: Dr Robert Newton, The University of York
Chair: Fred Binka
Designated panel members: Peter Smith, Janaka De Silva
Declared a conflict and left the room: Moffat Nyirenda, David Lalloo
Outcome: Decline

16/136/105: Professor Thomas Harrison, St George's University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Chair: Fred Binka
Designated panel members: Helen Lambert, Charles Mgone
Declared a conflict and left the room: David Lalloo
Outcome: Decline

16/136/73: Professor John Reilly, University of Strathclyde
Chair: Fred Binka
Designated panel members: Catherine Law, Majid Ezzati
Declared a conflict and left the room: None identified
Outcome: Decline

16/136/74: Professor Graham Foster, Queen Mary, University of London
Chair: Fred Binka
Designated panel members: David Lalloo, Li Yang Hsu
Declared a conflict and left the room: Helen Lambert
Outcome: Decline

16/136/80: Professor Kevin Marsh, Nuffield Department of Medicine
Chair: Fred Binka
Designated panel members: Li Yang Hsu, Majid Ezzati
Declared a conflict and left the room: Kevin Marsh, Caroline Jones, Francisca Mutapi
Outcome: Decline

16/136/27: Professor Dr Iain McInnes, The University Court of the University of Glasgow
Chair: Fred Binka
Designated panel members: Martin Prince, Charles Mgone
Declared a conflict and left the room: Moffat Nyirenda, David Lalloo
Outcome: Decline

16/136/20: Professor James Newell, University of Leeds
Chair: Fred Binka
Designated panel members: David Lalloo, , Francisca Mutapi
Declared a conflict and left the room: None identified
Outcome: Decline

16/136/65: Professor Tom Solomon, University of Liverpool
Chair: Fred Binka
Designated panel members: Lesong Conteh, Peter Smith
Declared a conflict and left the room: Moffat Nyirenda, David Lalloo
Outcome: Decline

16/136/14: Professor Mark Taylor, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine
Chair: Fred Binka
Designated panel members: Li Yang Hsu, Lesong Conteh
Declared a conflict and left the room: David Lalloo
Outcome: Decline


Day 2

16/137/87: Professor Shabbar Jaffar, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine
Chair: Francisca Mutapi
Designated panel members: Peter Smith, Janaka De Silva
Declared a conflict and left the room: Moffat Nyirenda, David Lalloo
Outcome: Straight Fund

16/137/114: Dr Robert Harrison, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine
Chair: Francisca Mutapi
Designated panel members: Helen Lambert, Charles Mgone
Declared a conflict and left the room: David Lalloo, Janaka De Silva
Outcome: Straight Fund

16/137/95: Dr Rachel Jordan, University of Birmingham
Chair: Francisca Mutapi
Designated panel members: Moffat Nyirenda, Lesong Conteh
Declared a conflict and left the room: None identified
Outcome: Straight Fund

16/137/107: Professor Swaran Singh, University of Warwick
Chair: Francisca Mutapi
Designated panel members: Martin Prince, Peter Smith
Declared a conflict and left the room: None identified
Outcome: Straight Fund

16/137/110: Professor Tom Potokar, Swansea University
Chair: Francisca Mutapi
Designated panel members: Helen Lambert, David Lalloo
Declared a conflict and left the room: None identified
Outcome: Straight Fund

16/137/02: Professor Christopher Millett, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
Chair: Francisca Mutapi
Designated panel members: Moffat Nyirenda, Caroline Jones
Declared a conflict and left the room: Majid Ezzati, Lesong Conteh
Outcome: Decline

16/137/69: Professor Steven Cummins, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
Chair: Francisca Mutapi
Designated panel members: Peter Byass, Lesong Conteh
Declared a conflict and left the room: Moffat Nyirenda
Outcome: Decline

16/137/62: Professor Louise Robinson, University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Chair: Francisca Mutapi
Designated panel members: Moffat Nyirenda, Peter Byass
Declared a conflict and left the room: Martin Prince
Outcome: Straight Fund

16/137/45: Professor Anthony Bull, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
Chair: Francisca Mutapi
Designated panel members: Caroline Jones, Peter Smith
Declared a conflict and left the room: Lesong Conteh
Outcome: Straight Fund

16/137/99: Professor Alastair Leyland, The University Court of the University of Glasgow
Chair: Fred Binka
Designated panel members: Kevin Marsh, Majid Ezzati
Declared a conflict and left the room:, Moffat Nyirenda, Peter Smith
Outcome: Straight Fund

16/137/90: Professor Marc Suhrcke, The University of York
Chair: Fred Binka
Designated panel members: Majid Ezzati, Lesong Conteh
Declared a conflict and left the room: Peter Byass
Outcome: Straight Fund

16/137/101: Professor Sir Munir Pirmohamed, University of Liverpool
Chair: Fred Binka
Designated panel members: Janaka De Silva, Peter Byass
Declared a conflict and left the room: None identified
Outcome: Straight Fund

16/137/97: Professor Stefan Priebe, Barts & The London Queen Mary's School of Medicine & Dentistry
Chair: Fred Binka
Designated panel members: Martin Prince, David Lalloo
Declared a conflict and left the room: None identified
Outcome: Straight Fund

16/137/16: Professor Dame Caroline Watkins, University of Central Lancashire
Chair: Fred Binka
Designated panel members: Martin Prince, Majid Ezzati
Declared a conflict and left the room: None identified
Outcome: Straight Fund

16/137/44: Professor David Jayne, University of Leeds
Chair: Fred Binka
Designated panel members: Lesong Conteh, Francisca Mutapi
Declared a conflict and left the room: None identified
Outcome: Straight Fund

16/137/109: Professor Mark Jit, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
Chair: Fred Binka
Designated panel members: Francisca Mutapi, Kevin Marsh
Declared a conflict and left the room: Moffat Nyirenda, Peter Smith
Outcome: Straight Fund

16/137/102: Professor Rebecca Reynolds, The University of Edinburgh
Chair: Fred Binka
Designated panel members: Majid Ezzati, Li Yang Hsu
Declared a conflict and left the room: Moffat Nyirenda, Lesong Conteh
Outcome: Decline

16/137/85: Professor Paul Connolly, The Queen's University of Belfast
Chair: Fred Binka
Designated panel members: Moffat Nyirenda, Catherine Law
Declared a conflict and left the room: None identified
Outcome: Straight Fund

16/137/63: Professor Anna Gilmore, University of Bath
Chair: Fred Binka
Designated panel members: Peter Byass, Catherine Law
Declared a conflict and left the room: None identified
Outcome: Decline

16/137/57: Professor Dilly Anumba, The University of Sheffield
Chair: Fred Binka
Designated panel members: Catherine Law, Helen Lambert
Declared a conflict and left the room: Moffat Nyirenda
Outcome: Decline

16/137/125: Professor Gunter Schumann, King's College London
Chair: Fred Binka
Designated panel members: Kevin Marsh, Catherine Law
Declared a conflict and left the room: Martin Prince
Outcome: Decline

16/136/112: Professor Peter Mossey, University of Dundee
Chair: Fred Binka
Designated panel members: Catherine Law, Helen Lambert
Declared a conflict and left the room: None identified
Outcome: Decline

16/137/49: Dr Julie Mytton, University of the West of England
Chair: Fred Binka
Designated panel members: Majid Ezzati, Peter Smith
Declared a conflict and left the room: Helen Lambert
Outcome: Straight Fund

16/137/31: Professor Rory O'Connor, University of Leeds
Chair: Fred Binka
Designated panel members: Martin Prince, Charles Mgone
Declared a conflict and left the room: None identified
Outcome: Decline

16/137/39: Professor Simon Gilbody, The University of York
Chair: Fred Binka
Designated panel members: Peter Smith, Kevin Marsh
Declared a conflict and left the room: Martin Prince
Outcome: Decline

16/137/55: Dr Sean Semple, University Court of the University of Aberdeen
Chair: Fred Binka
Designated panel members: Moffat Nyirenda, Kevin Marsh
Declared a conflict and left the room: Peter Byass
Outcome: Decline

16/137/105: Professor Peter Hutchinson, University of Cambridge / Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Chair: Fred Binka
Designated panel members: Martin Prince, Kevin Marsh
Declared a conflict and left the room: None identified
Outcome: Straight Fund

16/137/132: Professor Edward Mallen, University of Bradford
Chair: Fred Binka
Designated panel members: Charles Mgone, Janaka De Silva
Declared a conflict and left the room: None identified
Outcome: Decline

16/137/113: Dr Elias Mossialos, London School of Economics & Political Science
Chair: Fred Binka
Designated panel members: Lesong Conteh, Li Yang Hsu
Declared a conflict and left the room: None identified
Outcome: Decline

16/137/67: Professor Khalida Ismail, King's College London
Chair: Fred Binka
Designated panel members: David Lalloo, Moffat Nyirenda
Declared a conflict and left the room: Martin Prince
Outcome: Decline

16/137/53: Professor Dame Tina Lavender, The University of Manchester
Chair: Fred Binka
Designated panel members: Helen Lambert, Catherine Law
Declared a conflict and left the room: Martin Prince
Outcome: Straight Fund

16/137/34: Professor Nicholas Wareham, MRC Epidemiology Unit
Chair: Fred Binka
Designated panel members: David Lalloo, Francisca Mutapi
Declared a conflict and left the room: Peter Byass
Outcome: Straight Fund

16/137/36: Associate Professor Ponnusamy Saravanan, University of Warwick
Chair: Fred Binka
Designated panel members: Li Yang Hsu, Helen Lambert
Declared a conflict and left the room: None identified
Outcome: Decline

16/137/104: Professor Fabrizio Schifano, University of Hertfordshire Higher Education Corporation
Chair: Fred Binka
Designated panel members: Janaka De Silva, Martin Prince
Declared a conflict and left the room: None identified
Outcome: Decline

16/137/22: Professor David Fowler, University of Sussex
Chair: Fred Binka
Designated panel members: Kevin Marsh, Majid Ezzati
Declared a conflict and left the room: Moffat Nyirenda
Outcome: Decline

16/137/06: Honorary Professor Jonathan Burns, University of Exeter
Chair: Fred Binka
Designated panel members: Moffat Nyirenda, Caroline Jones
Declared a conflict and left the room: None identified
Outcome: Decline

16/137/73: Dr Dimitrios Siassakos, University of Bristol
Chair: Fred Binka
Designated panel members: Peter Byass, Lesong Conteh
Declared a conflict and left the room: Helen Lambert
Outcome: Decline

16/137/46: Professor Khalid Khan, Queen Mary, University of London
Chair: Fred Binka
Designated panel members: Catherine Law, Li Yang Hsu
Declared a conflict and left the room: None identified
Outcome: Decline

16/137/119: Professor Melanie Davies, University of Leicester
Chair: Fred Binka
Designated panel members: Peter Smith, David Lalloo
Declared a conflict and left the room: None identified
Outcome: Decline

16/137/122: Professor Neville Stanton, University of Southampton
Chair: Fred Binka
Designated panel members: Peter Byass, Francisca Mutapi
Declared a conflict and left the room: None identified
Outcome: Straight Fund

16/137/121: Dr Daniel Pope, University of Liverpool
Chair: Fred Binka
Designated panel members: Lesong Conteh, Peter Byass
Declared a conflict and left the room: None identified
Outcome: Decline


Summary of outcomes

 16/136/33 Professor Mark Woolhouse   Straight Fund
 16/136/111  Dr David Aanensen  Straight Fund 
 16/136/46  Professor Robert Heyderman  Straight Fund
 16/136/35  Professor Stephen Squire  Straight Fund
 16/136/117  Professor Tim Allen  Decline
 16/136/24  Professor John Danesh  Decline
 16/136/87  Professor Richard Lilford  Straight Fund
 16/136/85  Professor Kara Hanson  Decline
 16/136/23  Professor Richard Sullivan  Decline
16/136/34 Professor Ara Darzi Decline
16/136/100 Professor Alastair Ager Straight Fund
16/136/68 Professor John Chambers Straight Fund
16/136/55 Associate Professor Pablo Perel Decline
16/136/56 Professor Ibrahim Abubakar Decline
16/136/19 Professor John Britton Decline
16/136/102 Professor Colin Palmer Straight Fund
16/136/77 Professor Graham MacGregor Straight Fund
16/136/54 Professor Martin Prince Straight Fund
16/136/42 Professor Atif Rahman Decline
16/136/110 Professor Nigel Stocks Decline
16/136/11 Professor Paul Hunter Decline
16/136/29 Professor Melanie Newport Straight Fund
16/136/109 Professor Aziz Sheikh Straight Fund
16/136/79 Professor Dion Morton Straight Fund
16/136/97 Dr Robert Newton Decline
16/136/105 Professor Thomas Harrison Decline
16/136/73 Professor John Reilly Decline
16/136/74 Professor Graham Foster Decline
16/136/80 Professor Kevin Marsh Decline
16/136/27 Professor Dr Iain McInnes Decline
16/136/20 Professor James Newell Decline
16/136/65 Professor Tom Solomon Decline
16/136/14 Professor Mark Taylor Decline
16/137/87 Professor Shabbar Jaffar Straight Fund
16/137/114 Dr Robert Harrison Straight Fund
16/137/95 Dr Rachel Jordan Straight Fund
16/137/107 Professor Swaran Singh Straight Fund
16/137/110 Professor Tom Potokar Straight Fund
16/137/02 Professor Christopher Millett Decline
16/137/69 Professor Steven Cummins Decline
16/137/62 Professor Louise Robinson Straight Fund
16/137/45 Professor Anthony Bull Straight Fund
16/137/99 Professor Alastair Leyland Straight Fund
16/137/90 Professor Marc Suhrcke Straight Fund
16/137/101 Professor Sir Munir Pirmohamed Straight Fund
16/137/97 Professor Stefan Priebe Straight Fund
16/137/16 Professor Dame Caroline Watkins Straight Fund
16/137/44 Professor David Jayne Straight Fund
16/137/109 Professor Mark Jit Straight Fund
16/137/102 Professor Rebecca Reynolds Decline
16/137/85 Professor Paul Connolly Straight Fund
16/137/63 Professor Anna Gilmore Decline
16/137/57 Professor Dilly Anumba Decline
16/137/125 Professor Gunter Schumann Decline
16/136/112 Professor Peter Mossey Decline
16/137/49 Dr Julie Mytton Straight Fund
16/137/31 Professor Rory O'Connor Decline
16/137/39 Professor Simon Gilbody Decline
16/137/55 Dr Sean Semple Decline
16/137/105 Professor Peter Hutchinson Straight Fund
16/137/132 Professor Edward Mallen Decline
16/137/113 Dr Elias Mossialos Decline
16/137/67 Professor Khalida Ismail Decline
16/137/53 Professor Dame Tina Lavender Straight Fund
16/137/34 Professor Nicholas Wareham Straight Fund
16/137/36 Associate Professor Ponnusamy Saravanan Decline
16/137/104 Professor Fabrizio Schifano Decline
16/137/22 Professor David Fowler Decline
16/137/06 Honorary Professor Jonathan Burns Decline
16/137/73 Dr Dimitrios Siassakos Decline
16/137/46 Professor Khalid Khan Decline
16/137/119 Professor Melanie Davies Decline
16/137/122 Professor Neville Stanton Straight Fund
16/137/121 Dr Daniel Pope Decline