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Search our research evidence

Browse research findings and the projects we have funded to improve healthcare outcomes, enhance patient well being, and influence health and care policies.

Funded projects

Our Funding and Awards website has details of all projects funded by the NIHR.

  • Search by research topic, researcher or institution.
  • Track the outputs of particular projects.
  • Improve your funding application by finding out what has been previously awarded.

Explore our funded projects

Keep up to date with our research findings

Our Journals Library publishes reports from projects funded by our research programmes.

  • Search our six open access journals.
  • See data on papers to understand more about their impact.
  • Track publications from projects as they are produced.

Search our Journals

Our Open Research website publishes any type of finding and output from research we fund or support.

  • Search original study findings, including incremental findings and negative results.
  • Browse other types of research output, such as protocols, method articles and case reports.
  • Dig into the supporting data for research outputs.

Search research outputs

Read accessible summaries of research 

NIHR Evidence makes research findings accessible, relevant and ready for use for all.

  • See short Alerts about the latest papers.
  • Read overviews of recent research on key topics and themes.
  • Engage patients and the public with plain English summaries.

 Read our research summaries

Access our funding data

NIHR Open Data makes all our funding data sets available for analysis.

  • Get data on research funded by the NIHR since 2011.
  • Download full or modified data sets.
  • View maps to see where research is taking place.

 Access our data

Understand what research is taking place in your area of interest

ScanMedicine is a comprehensive database of clinical trials, developed by the NIHR Innovation Observatory (NIHRIO), that you can use to identify the latest global studies to inform treatment decisions.

  • Search for what research is in progress in your area of interest
  • Filter results by trial type, phase, registry and more
  • View your search results as visualisations for a ‘quick-look’ overview of the research in your area

Access ScanMedicine