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Applied Research Collaborations - Research themes, national leadership areas and national priority areas


Published: 01 October 2021

Version: Version 2.0 - May 2023

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Research themes and national leadership areas

Each NIHR Applied Research Collaboration (ARCs) undertakes research on a range of themes. They also work together on a number of national leadership areas.

Research projects and collaborations between the ARCs drive progress in applied health research and implementation science in areas of national priority.

ARCNational leadership areaResearch themes

NIHR Applied Research Collaboration East of England

Mental health over the life course

Palliative and end of life care

Research themes:

Ageing and multi-morbidity
Population evidence and data science
Inclusive involvement in research for practice-led health and social care
Mental health over the life course
Palliative and end of life care
Prevention and early detection in health and social care

Cross-cutting theme:

Health economics and prioritisation in health and social care

NIHR Applied Research Collaboration East Midlands

Equality, diversity and inclusion of under-represented groups 


Research themes:

Mental health and wellbeing
Managing multi-morbidity
Building community resilience and enabling independence

Cross-cutting themes:

Translating and implementing sustainable service improvement

Ethnicity and Health Inequalities

NIHR Applied Research Collaboration Greater Manchester


Research themes:

Digital health
Healthy ageing
Organising care
Economic sustainability
Mental health

Cross-cutting themes:

Implementation science

NIHR Applied Research Collaboration Kent, Surrey and Sussex

Social care

Research themes:

Social care
Starting well: Children’s mental health
Ageing Well: Living well with dementia
Primary and community services

Cross-cutting themes:

Public health
Digital innovation
Health and social care economics

NIHR Applied Research Collaboration North East and North Cumbria



Research themes:

Supporting children and families
Multimorbidity, ageing and frailty
Integrating physical, mental health and social care
Prevention, early intervention and behaviour change

Cross-cutting themes:

Inequalities and marginalised communities
Enabling methodologies
Knowledge mobilisation and implementation science

NIHR Applied Research Collaboration North Thames

Population health

Research themes:

Mental health: tackling social and institutional inequalities in mental health systems
Multimorbidity: understanding clusters and evaluating care
Population health and social care

Cross-cutting themes:

Innovation and implementation science
Health economics and data

NIHR Applied Research Collaboration Northwest London


Research themes:

Child population health

Cross-cutting themes:

Digital health
Innovation and evaluation
Information and intelligence
Patient, public, community engagement and involvement
Collaborative learning and capacity building

NIHR Applied Research Collaboration North West Coast


Research themes:

Person-centred complex care
Improving population health
Equitable place-based health and care
Health and care across the life course

Cross-cutting themes:

Methodological innovation, development, adaptation and support
Care and health informatics

NIHR Applied Research Collaboration Oxford and Thames Valley

Behavioural science

Research themes:

Disease prevention through health behaviour change
Patient self-management
Mental health across the life course
Community health and social care improvement
Applied digital health

Cross-cutting themes:

Novel methods to aid and evaluate implementation

NIHR Applied Research Collaboration South London

Mental health

Palliative and end-of-life care


Research themes:

Children and young people
Maternity and perinatal mental health
Palliative and end of life care
Patient and public involvement research
Public health and multimorbidities
Social care

Cross-cutting themes:

Applied informatics
Economics and biostatistics
Implementation science and research

NIHR Applied Research Collaboration South West Peninsula

Child health

Operational research modelling

Research themes:

Mental health
Public health
Complex care

Cross-cutting theme:

Methods for research and improvement

NIHR Applied Research Collaboration Wessex

Ageing and dementia

Main themes:

Long-term conditions: integrating person centred approaches to optimise healthy living

Ageing and dementia: supporting independent living for people with complex health needs

Healthy communities: improving public health across the life course

Health systems & workforce: supporting health and social care by improving service delivery

NIHR Applied Research Collaboration West

Applied health informatics

Research themes:
Healthier childhoods
Integrated and optimal care
Mental health
Public health and prevention

Cross-cutting themes:
Applied data science
Behavioural and qualitative science
Health economics

NIHR Applied Research Collaboration West Midlands


Research themes:

Long-term conditions
Acute care interfaces
Integrated care in youth mental health

Cross-cutting themes:

Organisational science
Research methodology, informatics and rapid response
Public health
Social care

NIHR Applied Research Collaboration Yorkshire and Humber

Urgent and emergency care

Research themes:

Older people with frailty
Early life and prevention
Urgent and emergency care
Mental and physical multimorbidity

Cross-cutting themes:

Health economics, evaluation, equality
Improvement science

National priority areas

The ARC national priority areas programme brings together the 15 regional ARCs from across England to work with partners, patients and the public to deliver collective projects that investigate and tackle the most pressing health and care problems.

The national priority areas are seven areas of applied health and care research that benefit from £13.1 million NIHR funding over three years to deliver ‘real world’ impact. The priority areas have been identified by the NIHR as areas that will benefit from national cross ARC collaboration.

Working together, the NIHR ARCs will look to develop evidence to inform decision making, enable effective implementation and change practice to address the identified areas.

National priority areaLead ARCs

Adult social care

NIHR Applied Research Collaboration Kent, Surrey and Sussex

Ageing, including dementia and frailty

NIHR Applied Research Collaboration Wessex

Child health and maternity

NIHR Applied Research Collaboration South West Peninsula

Health and care inequalities

NIHR Applied Research Collaboration North East and North Cumbria

Mental health

NIHR Applied Research Collaboration East of England

NIHR Applied Research Collaboration South London


NIHR Applied Research Collaboration East Midlands 

Prevention, including behavioural risk factors

NIHR Applied Research Collaboration North East and North Cumbria