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Find your NIHR Global Health Research Portfolio Training Leads


Published: 20 January 2022

Version: 2 - November 2022

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All funded NIHR Global Health Research (GHR) Programme awards have a Training Lead who will develop a local training strategy for the NIHR GHR Programme award.

Training Leads act as points of contact for NIHR GHR Academy Members and take an active role, providing advice and career development support to ensure individuals can thrive as successful academics, as well as sharing examples of best practice and career development opportunities.

This document provides the contact details for some of the Training Leads within the GHR Programme awards. NIHR GHR Academy Members looking to apply for an NIHR Global Health Research Short Placement Award for Research Collaboration (GHR SPARC) may find this document particularly helpful when looking to contact other NIHR GHR Programmes about potential placement opportunities.

This document will continue to be updated as we receive information from NIHR GHR Programmes.

NIHR Global Health Research Units

NIHR GHR Unit on the prevention and management of stillbirths and neonatal deaths in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia

Dr Tracey Mills, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, UK,

NIHR GHR Unit on Respiratory Health (RESPIRE-2)

Dr Ruth McQuillan, University of Edinburgh, UK,

NIHR GHR Unit on Genomics and enabling data for Surveillance of Antimicrobial Resistance

Dr Monica Abrudan, University of Oxford, UK,

NIHR GHR Unit on CLEAN-Air(Africa) Unit “Clean modern energy for all”. Benefiting health, society, environment and climate in sub-Saharan Africa to achieve the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals

Dr Ghislaine Rosa, University of Liverpool,

NIHR Global Health Research Groups

NIHR GHR Research Group on Equitable Access to Quality Health Care for Injured People in Four Low or Middle Income Countries: Equi-injury

Dr Agnieszka Ignatowicz, University of Birmingham, UK,

NIHR GHR Research Group on developing strategies for hepatitis C in Ethiopia (DESTINE)

Dr Sarah Inglis, University of Dundee, UK,

NIHR GHR Research Group on Vaccines for vulnerable people in Africa (VAnguard)

Mr Achilles Kiwanuka, Medical Research Council, Uganda Virus Research Institute, and London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine Uganda Research Unit,

NIHR GHR Research Group on Disrupting the cycle of GEndered violence & Poor Mental health among Migrants in precarious Situations (GEMMS)

Dr Alison Swartz, University of Essex, UK,

NIHR GHR Research Group on sustainable care for anxiety and depression in Indonesia

Professor Penny Bee, University of Manchester, UK,

NIHR GHR Research Group on Community Food for Human Nutrition and Planetary Health in Small Islands (Global CFaH)

Professor Lota A. Creencia, Western Philippines University, Philippines,

NIHR GHR Research Group on Digital Diagnostics for African Health Systems

Professor Aubrey Cunnington, Imperial College, London, UK,

NIHR Research on Interventions for Global Health Transformation (RIGHT) projects

NIHR GHR RIGHT project on Transforming the Treatment and Prevention of Leprosy and Buruli ulcers in Low and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs)

Mrs Sopna Choudhury, University of Birmingham, UK,

NIHR GHR RIGHT project on Multimorbidity-associated emergency hospital admissions: a “screen and link” strategy to improve outcomes for high-risk patients in sub-Saharan Africa

Dr Ben Morton, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine,  UK,

The Global Health Policy and Systems Research (Global HPSR)

NIHR GHR HPSR project on IMPRESS: Innovative Management PRactices to Enhance hoSpital quality and Save lives in Malawi at London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

Professor Catherine Goodman, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK,