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Invention for Innovation - PDA Call 23 Stage 1 Minutes


Published: 11 March 2022

Version: 1.0 March 2022

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Minutes of the Invention for Innovation (i4i) Programme Sub-Committee Meeting to discuss applications to Product Development Awards (PDA) Call 23 Stage 1

Date and Location

Meeting held on 03/02/2022 via Zoom Virtual Meeting

In attendance


Ms Emma Palmer Foster (Chair)
Mr Charles Spicer (Chair)
Professor David Hawkes (Deputy Chair)

i4i Secretariat

Professor Mike Lewis (Programme Director)
Dr Ruth Nebauer (Assistant Director)
Dr Andrew Barber
Dr Fanny Burrows
Dr Aayesha Hassan
Dr Caterina Lombardo
Mrs Paula Milton
Dr Ian Newington
Ms Deimante Normantaite
Dr Sandra Nwokeoha
Dr Francesca Troiani
Mr Edwin Tucker
Dr Xi Ye


Professor Paul Sibbons


Mr Nick Dunmore
Ms Grace O'Toole
Ms Lisa Wright

Stage 1 applications invited to submit to Stage 2:

NIHR204157: A hand-held infrared probe for cancer diagnosis: Liverpool Diagnostic Infrared Wand (LDIR Wand)
Outcome: Invite to Stage 2 

NIHR204159: Screening Microorganisms in Ascitic Fluid; Ascitic Bacteria Counting and Detection. A2D
Outcome: Invite to Stage 2

NIHR204161: DEEPeR-HTN – Randomised Controlled Trial of Deep Brain Stimulation for Refractory Hypertension
Outcome: Invite to Stage 2

NIHR204169: Organ Quality Assessment (ORQA) - Digital decision-making support tool for point of donation organ assessment
Outcome: Invite to Stage 2

NIHR204171: Development and validation of a multi-parameter sensor for optimal resuscitation of high-risk newborns
Outcome: Invite to Stage 2

NIHR204173: Woubot - an A.I. predictive system to produce personalised care recommendations for chronic lower limb wounds
Outcome: Invite to Stage 2

NIHR204176: ChronReg: The development and implementation trial of a new digital biofeedback intervention for improving emotion self-regulation in young people with emotional disorders
Outcome: Invite to Stage 2

NIHR204183: A novel spectral biomarker device to diagnose and track disease progression in Huntington's disease and other neurodegenerative disorders
Outcome: Invite to Stage 2 

NIHR204187: Salivary uric acid monitoring for predicting disposition to hypertensive disorders in pregnancy, using the Salurate self-test device (SALURATE).
Outcome: Invite to Stage 2

NIHR204199: Foresight: Artificial Intelligence Platform for Dynamic, Real-Time Prediction and Prevention of Multi-Organ Failure in Intensive Care Units
Outcome: Invite to Stage 2

NIHR204201: Minimal Motion System For MRI: MR-MinMo
Outcome: Invite to Stage 2

NIHR204202: First in human study of the Symatix membrane for the management of corneal defects
Outcome: Invite to Stage 2

NIHR204204: Initiative Thermotherapy in Head and Neck Cancers (iTHANC)
Outcome: Invite to Stage 2

NIHR204205: Smart wearable device that helps people with Parkinson's walk better
Outcome: Invite to Stage 2

NIHR204209: Developing a fully implantable wireless intracranial recording device for drug-resistant epilepsy
Outcome: Invite to Stage 2

EME/Czanner: SERENA: Safe, Explainable and tRustworthy Early detectioN of glAucoma via machine learning and
statistical modelling of retinal images.
Outcome: Invite to Stage 2

Stage 1 applications not invited to submit to Stage 2:

NIHR204158: A Multicenter Study Analysing Salivary Biomarkers from Subjects with Upper Respiratory Tract Infection (URIT) Using the Sponsor’s Proprietary Ultrasensitive Technology
Outcome: Reject

NIHR204160: Development of a point of care test for early detection of acute kidney injury
Outcome: Reject

NIHR204162: S3 Bougie (Smart-Shape-Steer) : A Novel Steerable Bougie
Outcome: Reject

NIHR204163: A fully non-invasive rapid response continuous glucose monitor for Diabetes management - no more needles, no patches, no pain
Outcome: Reject

NIHR204164: Study to assess the transferability and scalability of novel surveillance/monitoring/patient-initiated follow-up (PIFU)/ personalised stratified follow-up (PSFU) software technology from Rheumatology to Gastroenterology, Neurology and Breast Cancer.
Outcome: Reject

NIHR204165: Development of a cost-effective immunoaffinity device to remove red cell-derived particles from the plasma of patients with Sickle Cell Disease to reduce the occurrence of vaso-occlusive crisis.
Outcome: Reject

NIHR204166: Tutti Toot Trumpet: A study to assess the effectiveness of a new PEP device; encouraging compliance and making informative airway clearance therapy fun for children with Cystic Fibrosis.
Outcome: Reject

NIHR204167: 3D Fast Raman technology for intra-operative margin assessment in surgical excision of basal cell carcinoma (BCC)
Outcome: Reject

NIHR204168: RECOGNeyes: a computer game kit for improving gaze control in Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Outcome: Reject

NIHR204170: Creation of a novel technology-enabled method for formally assessing exercise capacity in a home or residential setting
Outcome: Reject

NIHR204172: histoSTORM: Clinical application of super-resolved immunofluorescence for diagnosis of kidney disease to supplement or replace electron microscopy
Outcome: Reject

NIHR204174: SHERLoC: Searching for HiddEn comoRbidities during Lung Cancer screening
Outcome: Reject

NIHR204175: Reducing healthcare associated infections by automated detection and elimination of bacterial attachment on invasive medical devices
Outcome: Reject

NIHR204177: Ultrasensitive Plasmonic Biosensor for the Early Diagnosis of Pancreatic Cancer.
Outcome: Reject

NIHR204178: Development and validation of an AI-driven platform to augment clinical capabilities of allied healthcare professionals (AHP) in primary care
Outcome: Reject

NIHR204179: Bio-impedance technology for the assessment of body fluid balance during pregnancy and after delivery.
Outcome: Reject

NIHR204180: Emotional Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a route to improving depression and anxiety
Outcome: Reject

NIHR204181: Advanced medical imaging for the foot-at-risk
Outcome: Reject

NIHR204182: Development of Volatile Organic Compound biomarkerS for early Diagnosis of, and prediction of treatment response for, Irritable Bowel Syndrome(VOCSDIBS) Study
Outcome: Reject

NIHR204184: Development of a Lightweight Augmented Reality Neuro-Navigation System to Improve Surgical Accuracy Over Existing Methods
Outcome: Reject

NIHR204185: Developing a New Prototype Exercise Ball Device for Performing Chin Tuck Against Resistance, with Wireless Feedback to a Smartphone, for use by Patients who have Dysphagia
Outcome: Reject

NIHR204186: Application of the Electronic Routine Nutritional Screening Tool (ERNST) in primary care: A randomised controlled trial and real world evaluation.
Outcome: Reject

NIHR204188: Portable, cold-chain free, direct from crude sample, molecular platform for detection of viral pathogens at Point-of-Need for managing outbreaks of respiratory or blood borne diseases within the UK NHS.
Outcome: Reject

NIHR204189: Improving Estimated Due Date Accuracy and Maternity Intervention Outcomes through the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Outcome: Reject

NIHR204190: Alchemi: Low-cost liquid biopsies for the detection of cancer
Outcome: Reject

NIHR204191: DIADEM: Equity in dementia diagnosis
Outcome: Reject

NIHR204192: Comparing MyoVista wavECG to NT-proBNP for Heart Failure Referral
Outcome: Reject

NIHR204193: Development of an integrated platform for precision dosing of combination antimicrobial therapy against carbapenemase producing Enterobacteriaceae (CPE): utilising real-time assessment of antimicrobial PK-PD.
Outcome: Reject

NIHR204194: Virtual Reality Exosure Therapy to Prevent Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Following Critical Illness – VRET 4 ICU
Outcome: Reject

NIHR204195: ReTendon: First in man clinical trial of a novel tendon repair device that accelerates healing and reduces re-rupture of tendons
Outcome: Reject

NIHR204196: Stereological-based streamlined software solution for quantitative sperm sample analysis as a first stage of fertility treatment.
Outcome: Reject

NIHR204197: Development of high performance qPCR assays for diagnosis of severe inflammation and sepsis
Outcome: Reject

NIHR204198: Digitally-enabled holistic care for Parkinson’s
Outcome: Reject

NIHR204200: The development of an AI-based device to facilitate the universal ultrasound screening of Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip in newborns.
Outcome: Reject

NIHR204203: The use of microchip-based technology to detect colorectal cancer DNA in blood and stools
Outcome: Reject

NIHR204206: ProCVT: Assessment of a novel capacitive electrocardiogram-derived vital signs sensor sheet designed to improve patient comfort, reduce the work load burden on nurses and increase reliability of data collection.
Outcome: Reject

NIHR204208: DS RECON - Digital Supine REhabilitate COre Normal.A breakthrough supine pedalled eccentric core stretch, reversing muscle/ligament sitting damage. Enhancement of physiotherapy reach.Preventing sarcopenia impeding healthy ageing.
Outcome: Reject

NIHR204210: Accurate, real-time localisation of a colon capsule endoscope using a novel wearable device - the CE-Track study
Outcome: Reject

NIHR204211: ALMA (Automated Lesion Management with AI)
Outcome: Reject

NIHR204212: Development of a rapid molecular testing system for disease
Outcome: Reject

MRC/Mills: Development of a SARS-CoV2 Immunocomplex assay for commercialisation
Outcome: Reject 

EME/Welters: Predicting clinically relevant episodes of Atrial Fibrillation in critically ill patients with sepsis: A Machine Learning based approach using ECG waveforms in combination with clinical data
Outcome: Reject

Stage 1 application did not fulfil the Programme’s eligibility criteria:

NIHR204207: Development of metabolic FDG-PET imaging as a biomarker of infertility
Outcome: Reject