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Invention for Innovation - Product Development Awards Committee B


Published: 08 July 2019

Version: 6.0 - June 2024

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The funding committees for the NIHR Invention for Innovation (i4i) Programme are multidisciplinary, comprising academic, clinical and commercial experts, as well as patient and public members. i4i has four committees: three for Product Development Awards (committee A, committee B and committee C), and one for Connect.

Committee members - Product Development Awards Selection Committee B

Dr Charles Spicer (Chair) Chair CREO Medical Group PLC 

Dr Spicer is an experienced chair, director and adviser to public and private companies focused on the life science and medical technology sectors.

Professor Liam Grover (Deputy Chair) 

Professor of Biomaterials Science and Director of the Healthcare Technologies Institute

University of Birmingham

Professor Grover is a biomaterials scientist whose research focuses on designing materials that enhance the tissue regeneration process.


Professor Keith Abrams Professor of Statistics and Data Science University of Warwick

Professor Abrams has expertise in biostatistics, health technology assessment, health data science and real world evidence.

Mr David Branagh
Founder Raidmed Ltd

Mr Branagh was the engineering director at a wearable device spin-out company and has experience in bringing a product through commercialisation.

Mr Mark Campbell

Independent Healthtech Consultant


Mr Campbell advises companies, life science organisations and public sector agencies on value proposition development, evidence generation and health technology assessment for devices, diagnostics and digital health technologies.

Ms Jenny Chong

Non-Executive Director


Medway NHS Foundation Trust

Ms Chong has over 20 years experience in investment banking with expertise in Technology, Big Data and AI.

Ms Lucy Davies Head of Clinical Strategy Lucida Medical Ltd Ms Davies is a medical statistician and has expertise in developing clinical trials in a range of health areas including cancer and surgery. She has a commercial background in the evaluation of digital health technologies and AI.
Mr Michael Duffin Director of Client Success Inicio Health LTD Mr Duffin has a clinical background in physiotherapy, and a commercial background with experience in pathway transformation, real world evaluation, and digital health.
Dr Serge Engamba Clinical Research Lead, Primary Care Specialty Lead Norwich Primary Care Network, CRN East of England Core Team Dr Engamba has a clinical and research (delivery) background and has experience in implementing clinical trials in primary care and conducting commercial research.
Mrs Katrina Goodhand Public Committee Member PPI  Representative PPI  Representative
Dr Zarnie Khadjesari

Associate Professor in Health Sciences

University of East Anglia

Dr Khadjesari has expertise in digital health research and implementation science. She is experienced in both quantitative and qualitative research methods.

Dr Amrita Kumar Consultant Radiologist and Clinical Lead AI Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust

Dr Kumar is a consultant radiologist with a speciality in breast cancer screening. She has expertise in AI and looking at how products can fit into the pathway.

Professor Paul Leeson Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine, University of Oxford University of Oxford

Professor Leeson is a consultant cardiologist with expertise in using AI and imaging to develop novel approaches to cardiovascular disease management.

Dr Stephen Lynn Associate Commercial Director Health Innovation North East and North Cumbria

Dr Lynn has experience in supporting the development of diagnostics and medical devices and has expertise in adoption and real world evaluation.

Professor Luca Marciani

Professor of Gastrointestinal Imaging

University of Nottingham

Professor Marciani is a physicist with expertise in biomedical and translational imaging research and particular interests in magnetic resonance imaging and medical devices.

Ms Bishara Mohamud Public Committee Member PPI Representative PPI Representative
Mr Mark O'Neil Public Committee Member

PPI Representative

PPI Representative

Professor Amar Rangan Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery

Universities of York and Oxford

Professor Rangan is a specialist shoulder and elbow surgeon and has experience in clinical effectiveness and translational research.

Professor Mike Reed
Orthopaedic Surgeon

Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust and University of York

Professor Reed is an orthopaedic Surgeon with experience in data and clinical research. He is the clinical lead for machine learning based projects.

Dr Chris Sampson

Senior Principal Economist

Office of Health Economics

Dr Sampson is an expert in health economic evaluation, with a particular interest in mental health and digital therapeutics.

Ms Helen Lewis-White

Deputy Director of Research

North Bristol NHS Trust

Ms Lewis-White’s background is in nursing and neuroscience. She has expertise in clinical trials and experience in implementation of medical technologies.


Dr Neville Young Director of Enterprise & Innovation

Health Innovation Yorkshire and Humber

Dr Young has experience with innovative surgical tools, intraoperative imaging systems, novel biosensing diagnostics, nanotechnology and remote monitoring.