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NIHR Advanced Local Authority Fellowship (ALAF) Scheme Selection Committee


Published: 07 July 2023

Version: Final

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Selection committee members for Round 1 (2023) of the Advanced Local Authority Fellowship (ALAF) Scheme are listed below. If you would like to register your interest to join this committee, please complete the expression of interest form.

  • Professor Ashley Adamson (Chair), Newcastle University
  • Professor of Public Health Nutrition and NIHR Research Professor, University of Newcastle
  • Professor Yvonne Birks, Professor of social care research, University of York
  • Professor Pip Logan, Professor of Rehabilitation Research, University of Nottingham, Nottingham City Care Partnership
  • Professor Russ Jago, Professor of Physical Activity & Public Health, University of Bristol
  • Professor Ben Barr Professor in Applied Public Health Research, University of Liverpool
  • Professor Jennie Popay, Distinguished Professor Sociology and Public Health, Lancaster University
  • Professor Gillian Ruch, Professor of Social Work, University of Sussex
  • Professor Sarah Salway, Professor of Public Health, University of Sheffield
  • Professor Brian Ferguson, Director, Public Health Research Programme, NIHR, University of York
  • Professor Karen West, Professor of Social Policy and Ageing, University of Bristol.