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NIHR Research Standard Application Form (SAF) - Stage 1 Application Form & Guidance


Published: 08 May 2019

Version: 1.2 - May 2019

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1.  Application summary information 

Host Organisation

Please give details of the organisation who will be the contractor if the project is funded. 

Research Title

The project title should state clearly and concisely the proposed research. Any abbreviations should be spelled out in full.

2.  Research plan 

Using all of the headings (in the order presented) and guidance below, please use this section to clearly explain your proposed research. As this is the main part of your application which will be considered by the reviewing committee you should ensure that the information is accurate, succinct and clearly laid out. The overall amount of information that you can provide at this stage is limited to 3 - 5 pages (dependent on the type/complexity/scale of study proposed).

2.1 What is the problem being addressed? 

Provide a clear explanation of the health problem to be addressed, the impact on patients as well as health and care services, and how this research would fill a demonstrable evidence gap.

2.1.1  Why is this research important in terms of improving the health and/or wellbeing of the public and/or to patients and health and care services? 

It is essential that you clearly identify the health and care need your research meets or contributes to. Please outline the anticipated value or contribution the study will provide.

2.2 History of Application 

Has this application been previously submitted to this or any other funding body?
Select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ from the drop down box to indicate whether this or a similar application has previously been submitted to this or any other funding body.  For more information about resubmission of a research/ trainee funding application, or joint funding please contact the appropriate NIHR research funding programme.

3.  Lead Applicant Research Background 

Publication record (Limit: 10,000 characters)

Provide details of a maximum of 6 of your most recent / relevant publications (in the last 10 years) relevant to this application (using Vancouver or Harvard citation format) listed one after another with a blank line between each one.  Please use DOI reference numbers if needed.

Research Grants Held (Limit: 10,000 characters)

This should include research grants held (as a named applicant) currently or in the last 5 years – please include who the grant is with and the amount of each grant. If no grants are held please enter N/A (as this is a mandatory field).

History of Application - Has this application been previously submitted to this or any other funding body?
Select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ from the drop down box to indicate whether this or a similar application has previously been submitted to this or any other funding body.  For more information about resubmission of a research/ trainee funding application, or joint funding please contact the appropriate NIHR research funding programme.
Applications Submitted to other NIHR programmes
Where this application or a similar one has been submitted to this or another NIHR programme or elsewhere please click the ‘Add’ button and complete the necessary information.
We are keen to know if the application has been submitted elsewhere and you must be as open about this as possible. This includes, but is not limited to, any facts that, should they come to light at a future date, would embarrass either the programme or the individual who withheld the fact (e.g. if a member of the team holds a patent or has a financial interest within the research area). 
Failure to disclose accurately or fully will be considered by the programme as academic misconduct and treated accordingly. You should also include in this section information on whether this or a similar application has been submitted to any programme previously, or to any other funder including other NIHR programmes. You should name, and provide dates and outcomes of these. Please indicate whether you hold or have ever held an NIHR programme contract which has been terminated prior to completion, extended in time or in terms of funding.