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Pre-Application Support Fund Selection Committee


Published: 17 January 2024

Version: 1.0

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Pre-Application Support Fund Selection Committee

The remit of the selection committee is to support the development of the scheme, assess applications and make funding recommendations based on quality. The Applicant Guidance Notes for the scheme gives full details of the selection process.

Professor Annie Topping (Chair), University of Birmingham
Dr Sheraz Markar (Deputy Chair), University of Oxford
Professor Debi Bhattacharya, University of Leicester
Dr Elizabeth Such, University of Nottingham
Professor Kay Mafuba, University of West London
Dr Jackie McRae, St George’s University of London
Professor Chris Nester, Kelle University
Dr Adwoa Parker, University of York
Professor Stephen Peckham, University of Kent
Professor Lynne Dawkins, London South Bank University
Dr Vincent Singh, University of the West of England
Dr Nathalie Darko, University of Leicester
Professor John Marsden, University of Plymouth
Professor Rachel Rowe, University of Oxford
Professor Penny Cook, University of Salford
Professor Khaled Khatab, Sheffield Hallam University
Dr Tomasina Stacey, Kings College London

The make-up of the Selection Committee is reviewed regularly and adjusted in response to need. If you would like to join this committee, please complete the NIHR Academy expression of interest form.