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Research and Innovation for Global Health Transformation - Call 1 Stage 2 Minutes


Published: 11 February 2020

Version: 1.0

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Minutes of the Research and Innovation for Global Health Transformation (RIGHT) Call 1 Funding Committee Meeting to discuss applications to Stage 2.

Date and Location

The meeting was held on 10th & 11th April 2019 at LGC Ltd, Grange House, 15 Church Street, Twickenham TW1 3NL, UK

In attendance

Funding Committee Members

Professor Tom Solomon (Chair)
Dr Marie-Paule Kieny  (Deputy Chair)
Professor Pamela Abbott
Dr Mary Amuyunzu-Nyamongo
Professor Ben Anderson
Professor Marcello Barcinski
Dr Warren Boling
Professor Kalipso Chalkidou
Mr David Chandler
Professor Janaka de Silva
Professor Lara Fairall
Professor Elizabeth Grant
Dr Satish Gopal
Professor Hsu Li Yang
Professor Diane McMahon-Pratt
Professor Moffat Nyirenda
Dr David Phipps
Ms Una Rennard
Dr Wendy van de Sande
Professor Jo Wilmshurst


Dr Mike Rogers, NIHR CCF
Dr Debbie Willis, NIHR CCF
Dr Nicola Commander, NIHR CCF
Dr Sultana Choudhry, NIHR CCF
Dr Pauline Essah, NIHR CCF
Dr Jazmin Hernandez, NIHR CCF
Mr Bryan Dar, NIHR CCF


Mike Batley, DHSC
Alexander Ademokun, DHSC
Laurence Poos, DHSC
Caroline Hough, NIHR GHR
Rhiannon Metcalfe, NIHR GHR
Ms Katalin Torok, NIHR CCF
Dr Adam Kamenetzky, NIHR CCF
Dr Claire Vaughan, NIHR CCF

RIGHT Call 1 Stage 2 applications considered

NIHR200144: Prevention of epilepsy from birth-related brain injury
Conflicts: Professor Kalipso Chalkidou and Professor Jo Wilmshurst
Outcome:  Recommended for funding

Professor Kalipso Chalkidou returned.

NIHR200134: Epilepsy Pathway Innovation in Africa (EPInA)
Conflicts: Professor Jo Wilmshurst
Outcome: Recommended for funding

NIHR200137: EN-EPILEPSIES Every Newborn - Epilepsy Prevention In LMIC, Enhancing care, Parent Support & Impairment Evaluation Study
Conflicts: Professor Tom Solomon, Professor Moffat Nyirenda, and Professor Jo Wilmshurst
Outcome: Reject

Professor Moffat Nyirenda returned.

NIHR200146: Epilepsy in Children in East Africa; Aetiology, Features and Co-morbidities
Conflicts: Professor Tom Solomon, Dr Warren Boling, and Professor Jo Wilmshurst
Outcome: Reject

Professor Tom Solomon, Dr Warren Boling, and Professor Jo Wilmshurst returned.

NIHR200125: Improving experiences of severe stigmatising skin diseases in Ghana and Ethiopia
Conflicts: Professor Moffat Nyirenda and Professor Kalipso Chalkidou
Outcome: Recommended for funding

NIHR200129: REDRESS: Reducing the Burden of Severe Stigmatising Skin Diseases through equitable person-centred approaches to health systems strengthening
Conflicts: None
Outcome: Recommended for funding

NIHR200135: Empowering people with Cutaneous Leishmaniasis: Intervention Programme to improve patient journey and reduce Stigma via community Education (ECLIPSE)
Conflicts: Professor Moffat Nyirendra
Outcome: Recommended for funding 

NIHR200132: Transforming the Treatment and Prevention of Leprosy and Buruli ulcers in Low and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs)
Conflicts: Professor Tom Solomon and Professor Kalipso Chalkidou
Outcome: Recommended for funding. 

NIHR200140: Social Sciences for Severe Stigmatising Skin Diseases (the 5-S Foundation)
Conflicts: Dr Wendy van de Sande
Outcome: Recommended for funding. 

NIHR200133: Evaluation and Transfer of mobile whole slide tissue scanners and liquid biopsies to deliver fast and precise diagnosis for improved outcomes of children and young adults with EBV-driven lymphoma: a joint Tanzanian and Ugandan Paediatric Oncology Network Initiative
Conflicts: Dr Satish Gopal
Outcome: Recommended for funding

NIHR200138: Enhancing the detection and management of Burkitt lymphoma in sub-Saharan Africa and beyond - the ENABLE project
Conflicts: Professor Tom Solomon, Dr Satish Gopal, and Professor Ben Anderson
Outcome: Reject

NIHR200143: Reducing the burden of Kaposi’s sarcoma and Burkitt lymphoma in sub-Saharan Africa
Conflicts: Professor Moffat Niyrenda and Dr Satish Gopal
Outcome: Reject

NIHR200147: Epstein Barr virus and human Herpes virus 8 associated lymphomas and lymphoproliferative disorders in Africa – to achieve improved diagnosis and management, and better understanding of aetiopathogenesis
Conflicts: Professor Kalipso Chalkidou and Professor Ben Anderson
Outcome: Reject