Minutes of the Research and Innovation for Global Health Transformation (RIGHT) Programme Call 3 Funding Committee meeting for applications to Stage 1 Triage
Date and location
The meeting was held on 2 March 2020, 11:00-16:15 at etc.venues, Avonmouth House, 6 Avonmouth St, London SE1 6NX, UK
Committee members
Dr Marie-Paule Kieny (Chair)
Professor Jo Wilmshurst (Deputy Chair)
Professor Oye Gureje
Professor Li Yang Hsu
Professor David Matchar
Dr Mary Nyamongo
Dr Rahul Shidhaye
Dr David Baghurst
Ms Laurence Poos
Ms Aaronjay Tidball
Dr Debbie Willis
Dr Louise Kim
Mr Mathew Bolton
Ms Anneke van de Stege
Dr Mike Rogers
RIGHT Call 3 Stage 1 applications considered:
NIRH201850: Development and evaluation of an integrated approach for people with chronic mental and physical multi-morbidity in Argentina and Peru: Hybrid effectiveness-implementation type 1 study
Conflicts: Gureje, Kapiga, Jarvis, Costello
Outcome: Reject
NIHR201847: Cardiac and Pulmonary abnormalities in sickle cell disease: Implications for early and timely diagnosis for therapeutic intervention in patients under 25 years old
Conflicts: None
Outcome: Reject
NIHR201844: Towards Integrated Interventions for Management of Multimorbidity in East Africa
Conflicts: Nyamongo, Nakasujja
Outcome: Reject
NIHR201842: Multidisciplinary Programme To Establish Integrated Care Pathway For The Management of NCDs and TubeRculosis In East Africa (MEINSTREAM)
Conflicts: Costello, Nakasujja, Jarvis
Outcome: Reject
NIHR201839: Empowerment to prevent multimorbidity associated with tuberculosis
Conflicts: Maitland
Outcome: Invite to Stage 2
NIHR201838: Improvement of full coverage and quality of integrated ambulatory care platforms for people with chronic multi-morbidities in South Asia (SYNCHRONY)
Conflicts: Cuevas, Jarvis, Costello
Outcome: Reject
NIHR201834: Reimagining new models of care, for leprosy patients with multi-morbidity in three low- and middle-income countries (India, Bangladesh and Nigeria)
Conflicts: None
Outcome: Reject
NIHR201829: Investigating the role of mHealth for the diagnosis and management of co-morbidities associated with dementia in Peru
Conflicts: Harmer, Maitland, Molyneux
Outcome: Invite to Stage 2
NIHR201826: Tackling multimorbidity in Africa through partnership: an integrated model of care for the prevention and management of HIV infection, diabetes, hypertension and depression.
Conflicts: Cuevas, Gureje, Kapiga, Barcinski, Jarvis
Outcome: Invite to Stage 2
NIHR201825: Psychological Interventions for Leprosy and Lymphatic filariasis (LF): PILL-free(Treatment of mental health conditions among people affected by leprosy or LF in India and Indonesia: An implementation study of a psychological intervention package)
Conflicts: Shidhaye, Gureje
Outcome: Reject
NIHR201822: The implementation and effectiveness of a programme of Integrated Care for Older People living with MultiMorbidity in three sub-Saharan African countries (ICOPE-MM)
Conflicts: Wilmshurst, Gureje, Shidhaye, Kapiga, Harmer, Jarvis, Costello
Outcome: Invite to Stage 2
NIHR201821: An intervention to prevent stepwise progression of multi-morbidity in children and young adults with disabilities in Sri Lanka
Conflicts: Harmer, Molyneux
Outcome: Reject
NIHR201818: Interventions to improve management of multimorbidities in selected settings in Uganda and rural South Africa
Conflicts: Nakasujja
Outcome: Reject
NIHR201817: The Big 5 Study - Integrated management in primary care of multi- morbidity which increases cardiovascular risk in Zimbabwe
Conflicts: Maitland, Kapiga, Jarvis
Outcome: Reject
NIHR201816: Development and evaluation of a targeted, integrated, coherent and people-centred approach to the management of multimorbidity in South African primary healthcare
Conflicts: Wilmshurst, Shidhaye, Cuevas, Harmer, Bartlett, Jarvis, Kapiga, Molyneux
Outcome: Invite to Stage 2
NIHR201815: Affordable Cardiac Rehabilitation: Affordable Cardiac Rehabilitation: An Outreach Inter-disciplinary Strategic Study (ACROSS)
Conflicts: None
Outcome: Invite to Stage 2
NIHR201814: The DEMOS Study: Developing and testing Enhanced Structured Care for people with MultimOrbidity (type 2 diabetes, depression and chronic pain) in Sri Lanka - a feasibility and pilot study
Conflicts: Gureje
Outcome: Reject
NIHR201813: Multimorbidity in children with HIV and severe acute malnutrition in sub-Saharan Africa
Conflicts: Wilmshurst, Harmer, Kapiga, Maitland, Jarvis, Molyneux
Outcome: Invite to Stage 2
NIHR201811: Meeting global NCD targets by reducing risk of multimorbidity in hypertension and diabetes: A community-based comprehensive intervention in India
Conflicts: Costello, Kapiga, Jarvis, Heller
Outcome: Reject
NIHR201804: Improving quality for care of patients with multi-morbidities through optimal information communication
Conflicts: Harmer, Molyneux, Costello
Outcome: Reject
NIHR201803: Stage 1 application - Patient-centred integrated management of ‘high- risk’ patients with atrial fibrillation and multimorbidity: The Simultaneous Multimorbidity rIsk optimisation, Lifestyle and Educational AF intervention (SMILE- AF) trial
Conflicts: Cuevas
Outcome: Reject
NIHR201801: New models of care to manage multimorbidity associated with emerging neurodegenerative disease burden in Bangladesh
Conflicts: Heller
Outcome: Reject
NIHR201800: Improving Treatment and Reducing Harmful Drug Interactions in HIV- infected Individuals with Multimorbidity
Conflicts: Cuevas
Outcome: Reject
NIHR201799: NAMASTE. Nepal: Addressing Multimorbidity through Activity, Smoking cessation, Training and Education
Conflicts: None
Outcome: Invite to Stage 2
NIHR201795: Development and evaluation of a co-ordinated model of care to prevent progression of multi-morbidity in disadvantaged patients with Tuberculosis and Diabetes Mellitus
Conflicts: None
Outcome: Invite to Stage 2
NIHR201793: Overcoming barriers to reduce multimorbidity and improve quality of life in the older population in Bangladesh and Nepal
Conflicts: Shidhaye, Harmer, Molyneux
Outcome: Reject
NIHR201791: Reducing the Disease Burden of Stroke in HIV-endemic Malawi
Conflicts: Cuevas, Costello, Barcinski, Jarvis, Chandra
Outcome: Invite to Stage 2
NIHR201786: MYLife: Malaysian Lifestyle intervention trial for diabetes remission
Conflicts: Harmer, Molyneux
Outcome: Reject
NIHR201782: ARMSickle: African Research in Multimorbidity of Sickle Cell Disease
Conflicts: Maitland
Outcome: Reject
NIHR201845: Improving healthcare for older people with multimorbidity in sub- Saharan Africa, with particular focus on Tanzania and Nigeria.
Conflicts: Gureje, Wilmshurst, Bartlett, Kapiga
Outcome: Reject
NIHR201781: Improving Health Care System in India for those affected by Multimorbidity
Conflicts: None
Outcome: Invite to Stage 2
NIHR201823: Interventions to prevent stepwise progression of multi-morbidity associated with brucellosis among communities in Kajiado County Kenya
Conflicts: None
Outcome: Reject
NIHR201778: A smoking cessation intervention to prevent the occurrence and progression of multimorbidities among people living with HIV in Africa (ASHA)
Conflicts: None
Outcome: Reject
NIHR201776: A mHealth-supported multi-driven disease management platform addressing chronic multi-morbidities in China (4M study)
Conflicts: None
Outcome: Invite to Stage 2
NIHR201788: Eliminating cervical cancer using screen and treat strategies in Sénégal in the context of healthcare pathway solutions for LMIC
Conflicts: None
Outcome: Reject
NIHR201773: The CONTROL (COgNitive Therapy for depRessiOn in tubercuLosis treatment) programme of research to improve outcomes for depression and TB in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Conflicts: None
Outcome: Invite to Stage 2
NIHR201768: Collaborative Data Ecosystem for Population Health Interventions in Thailand (CoDEPHI-Thai): Developing Cross-Institutional Capacity and Policy Implementations to Improve Effective Coverage of Hypertension Control
Conflicts: None
Outcome: Reject
NIHR201764: Harmful tobacco use among people with severe mental illness in South Asia: the SCIMITAR programme to address multimorbidity
Conflicts: Shidhaye, Chandra, Costello
Outcome: Invite to Stage 2
NIHR201761: TitleMAP-care: Multimorbid Ageing Primary Palliative Care in Ghana, Kenya, Malawi and Zimbabwe.
Conflicts: Kapiga, Nyamongo
Outcome: Reject
NIHR201760: Strategies to reduce post-operative infection in low- and middle- income countries through optimised multimorbid disease management and infection diagnosis and treatment
Conflicts: Wilmshurst, Maitland, Costello
Outcome: Reject
NIHR201757: Determination and reduction of the contribution of multi-morbidity to premature deaths including from infections, sepsis and Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR).
Conflicts: Cuevas
Outcome: Reject
NIHR201754: Developing an integrated model package of care for non-communicable disease multi-morbidity; including diabetes, clustered vascular diseases and depression.
Conflicts: None
Outcome: Reject
NIHR201753: Leveraging successful HIV management strategies to improve management of multimorbidity with non-communicable diseases and mental health conditions in South Africa
Conflicts: Wilmshurst, Jarvis
Outcome: Reject
NIHR201751: Development of a self-management intervention to address lifestyle risk factors for multimorbidity and directly associated infectious diseases in Sub- Saharan Africa.
Conflicts: Maitland, Nyamongo, Heller
Outcome: Reject
NIHR201750: Modelling And Mitigating Multi-Morbidity In LMIC
Conflicts: Costello, Heller
Outcome: Reject
NIHR201747: Development of ARtificial IntelligenCe Systems witH Urban and New Rural DiabetIc Retinopathy Screening ProgramMEs in Bangladesh Diabetes and Eye Health Sectors (ARCHIMEDES Study)
Conflicts: Costello
Outcome: Reject
NIHR201746: Targeted dietary and lifestyle interventions to reduce fatty liver and comorbidities in India and Malaysia
Conflicts: None
Outcome: Reject
NIHR201743: Addressing the challenge of multimorbidity in rural India
Conflicts: Harmer, Molyneux, Costello
Outcome: Invite to Stage 2
NIHR201742: Co-design, implementation and evaluation of an AI-supported digital health intervention to improve health outcomes associated with multi-morbid conditions in South Africa and Uganda
Conflicts: Heller
Outcome: Invite to Stage 2
NIHR201738: CoDiRECT-Nepal: a novel low-cost community-owned programme to detect, prevent and manage clinical features of 'Metabolic Syndrome', with a dietary focus on remission of early type 2 diabetes, in Nepalese adults.
Conflicts: None
Outcome: Reject
NIHR201733: TreatSchisto: Treatment and management strategies for multimorbidity associated with schistosomiasis
Conflicts: Harmer, Molyneux
Outcome: Reject
NIHR201732: Live with And Control HIV/AIDS Comorbidities (LACC): An integrated support plan to empower Malawian patients and informal caregivers
Conflicts: Heller
Outcome: Reject
NIHR201724: Improving mental health outcomes in adults living with HIV/AIDS in Zambia: Tili Che
Conflicts: None
Outcome: Invite to Stage 2
NIHR201721: Reducing the neglected burden of multimorbidity in children with Disorders of Intellectual Development (DID) in Northeast India
Conflicts: Harmer, Chandra, Costello, Harmer
Outcome: Invite to Stage 2
NIHR201713: Can we improve outcomes in TB multimorbidity by coordinating care across TB and non-communicable disease (NCD) services?
Conflicts: Chandra, Costello
Outcome: Invite to Stage 2
NIHR201710: Health and well-being post-tuberculosis in sub-Saharan Africa
Conflicts: Wilmshurst, Cuevas
Outcome: Reject
NIHR201708: Multimorbidity-associated emergency hospital admissions: a “screen and link” strategy to improve outcomes for high-risk patients in sub-Saharan Africa
Conflicts: Cuevas, Bartlett, Jarvis
Outcome: Invite to Stage 2