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Webinar: Embedding Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) in Your Research Project: Introducing the NIHR Research Design Service’s EDI Toolkit


30 March 2022


13:30 to 15:00



To improve the quality and impact of the research that NIHR funds, researchers must demonstrate how their research tackles health and care inequalities and overcomes barriers to diverse and inclusive research participation.

To support researchers, the NIHR Research Design Service (RDS) has developed an EDI toolkit to support researchers to consider and embed EDI at each stage of their research project, from inception through to dissemination, implementation and impact.

This 90-minute webinar introduces the new EDI toolkit and is a valuable starting point for researchers seeking to develop more inclusive research proposals.

This webinar is aimed at NIHR-funded researchers and NIHR staff who support and review the EDI aspects of funding applications.

The webinar will cover:

  • why EDI is important in applied health and social care research
  • what the NIHR EDI toolkit is and why it has been developed
  • practical guidance, tips and resources on how to embed EDI at all stages of your research, including forming your research team, patient and public involvement, sampling, data collection, and data analysis and presentation.

By attending this webinar you will discover:

  • strategies for making your research more inclusive of underserved communities
  • what skills and resources you need to successfully embed EDI in your research
  • the importance of reflecting on your own identity in relation to EDI.

Webinar hosts

The webinar will be led by Rebecca Barnes and Christopher Newby who are Senior Research Advisers and co-leads of the RDS’ EDI National Priority at the NIHR Research Design Service East Midlands and Pam Rees, public contributor at RDS East Midlands. The webinar will be facilitated by Linda Onerhime-Prince, PPI Manager, NIHR Academy.

Register here.