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Webinar: Learn how to collaborate effectively


20 June 2023


13:00 to 14:00



Discover how to collaborate effectively across the complex health and social care system.

This 60-minute webinar will explain how you need to maintain focus on strategic collaboration goals, engage people beyond your usual networks and build trust even when you don't always work face-to-face.

It will be presented by Claire Goodman, Associate Executive Coach at Cappfinity and is open to those who want to explore how to collaborate effectively across teams and boundaries.

By attending this webinar you will:

  • discover the benefits of collaborating for your project outcomes and engagement
  • understand the importance of establishing and communicating clear high-level goals, and frequently referring to them to ease tensions or recoup momentum
  • strategically consider who to collaborate with and plan how to get them on board
  • build trusting collaborations based on deep listening and working to each others strengths
  • agree joint ways of working including regular ‘check-ins’ and ‘retrospectives’ to keep things on track and continually improve

Register for the webinar

We are also holding a 3-hour workshop at 1pm on 22 June for NIHR Academy Members and NIHR Leaders who are responsible for managing a team on courageous leadership.

The event which is being delivered by TomLaughton, Coach atCappfinity, and will help you become more courageous by identifying the approaches that no longer serve you and starting to ‘unlearn’ old ways, plus much more. Find out more and register.