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Webinar - Reflections on impact & evaluation of public involvement: Who, Why, & What?


07 March 2023


11:00 to 13:00



Health and care, and academic environments can have specific expectations that influence the evaluation of public involvement. These expectations may shape why the evaluation takes place and the approaches deemed ‘valid’.

The hosts of this ‘Necessary Conversation’ argue that these environments and the approaches that they tend to favour, can lead to public contributors being absent from the conversation about what matters.

Lynn Laidlaw leads this session with Niccola Hutchinson-Pascal and others to be confirmed. Lynn will be asking who is pushing the impact and evaluation agenda, where does the power lie, and what are the different forms of impact that exist?

Join us, hear from them, and share your views on why we have such an issue evaluating the impact of public involvement.

Register here.