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Workshop: Being At Your Best


21 March 2024


13:00 to 16:00



Self-awareness and being at your best are meta-skills of the 21st century. Those who can understand their own behaviour and the impact it has on others will have a positive impact on the culture they inspire around them. This session explores self-insight in the context of adversity and pressure.

By the end of this workshop delegates will have:

  • Understood what it means to be self-aware and being at your best.
  • Uncovered their deep-seated value anchors and how these effect their working style and biases.
  • Used this to plan how they can create a trusting culture where everyone can flourish.
  • Explored the gap between intention and perception, and how this can impact brand at work.
  • Appreciated the importance of ‘self-compassion’ and dealing positively with pressure/ stress.

This interactive virtual workshop is open to NIHR Academy Members and NIHR Leaders who want to stretch or polish their ability to be part of empowered teams. To be eligible to participate in this programme you will be an NIHR Academy Member or a NIHR Leader who is responsible for managing a team.

Applications for the workshop will close 12pm Friday 1st March 2024 however we reserve the right to close the application form early in the event of oversubscription. If selected, you will receive confirmation of your place by close of business Wednesday 6th March 2024.

Sign up to the workshop