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Workshop: Courageous Leadership


14 March 2024


12:00 to 15:00



During times of uncertainty and constant change there is a need for courageous leaders to spot approaches that no longer serve them and build an open culture with trust which supports innovation.

By attending this workshop you will:

  • understand the difference between courage and risk taking explore the courageous leaders ACT model
  • become more courageous by identifying the approaches that no longer serve you and starting to ‘unlearn’ old ways
  • discover what your courage blocks are and when to act and when to pause
  • explore how to role model courage and build a more courageous culture

This interactive virtual workshop is open to NIHR Academy Members and NIHR Leaders who want to stretch or polish their ability to be part of empowered teams. To be eligible to participate in this programme you will be an NIHR Academy Member or a NIHR Leader who is responsible for managing a team.

Please note that places are limited to 20 participants per workshop. Therefore we cannot guarantee everyone who expresses interest will be allocated a place. Places will be allocated to ensure a fair representation across the NIHR community, and we strongly encourage you to utilise the word count in section 5 to articulate how attending the workshop will benefit you.

Note: This is a repeat opportunity of the workshop that took place in June 2023.

Applications for the workshop will close 12pm Friday 23rd February 2024 however we reserve the right to close the application form early in the event of oversubscription. If selected, you will receive confirmation of your place by close of business Wednesday 28th February 2024.

Sign up to the workshop.