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Workshop: Presenting and Public Speaking with Simon Rollings


21 February 2024


13:00 to 16:00



It is not unusual to have a fear of public speaking, ‘glossophobia’, but we don’t need to become a whole new person to excel at presenting. Instead, we can change our approach so that we harness our strengths, dial up our own authentic energy, craft an engaging message - and deliver it with tailored stories and varied interaction on the day.

Whether inspiring your department to work in a new way, delivering a tough message to your wider team, or running a Zoom session as part of a virtual conference, at the heart of all these tasks is the need to successfully engage our audiences. Presenting and public speaking is an art that anyone can learn and master – from introverts, to planners, to those that thrive in the moment.

During this workshop you will:

  • Reflect on the personal strengths they can bring to presenting and public speaking
  • Practice ‘dialing up’ their authentic energy so as to increase their presence
  • Craft the start of an upcoming message they have to deliver, including relevant stories to engage audiences’ hearts as well as minds
  • Plan how to build in relevant interaction to make their delivery as engaging as possible
  • Learn different strategies for dealing with whatever questions are thrown at them.

This interactive virtual workshop is open to NIHR Academy Members and NIHR Leaders who want to stretch or polish their ability to be part of empowered teams. To be eligible to participate in this programme you will be an NIHR Academy Member or a NIHR Leader who is responsible for managing a team.

Please note that places are limited to 20 participants per workshop. Therefore we cannot guarantee everyone who expresses interest will be allocated a place. Places will be allocated to ensure a fair representation across the NIHR community, and we strongly encourage you to utilise the word count in section 5 to articulate how attending the workshop will benefit you.

Applications for the workshop will close 12pm Friday 2nd February 2024 however we reserve the right to close the application form early in the event of oversubscription. If selected, you will receive confirmation of your place by close of business Wednesday 7th February 2024.

Note: This is a repeat opportunity of the workshop that took place in September 2023.

Sign up to the workshop