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Research Support Service Hub delivered by University of Birmingham and Partners

In partnership with Keele and Warwick Universities, including the Birmingham, Keele and Warwick Clinical Trials Units

Further information about Clinical Trials Units can be accessed here:
Birmingham Clinical Trials Unit
Keele Clinical Trials Unit
Warwick Clinical Trials Unit

Contacting this hub affords access to a wide range of RSS expertise from staff directly funded by the RSS and from academic and clinical staff across our networks.  Our national service offer encourages researchers to contact the hub whose expertise offer matches their own area of interest if specialist support is sought.

The specialist service offer for this hub offer comprises the following areas:

  • test evaluation, prognosis research and prediction modelling
  • analysis of patient electronic health records
  • Centre for Patient Reported Outcomes (PROs)
  • knowledge mobilisation
  • stepped wedge and cluster designs for trials

This hub has expertise in the following clinical areas:

  • women's health
  • emergency and critical care
  • musculoskeletal sciences
  • pain and rehabilitation
  • primary care
  • surgery
  • cardiovascular disease and diabetes

Does our experience and expertise match your research needs?

Use the details below to contact this hub directly.

Contact us

If you would  like to request support from this RSS Hub please complete the form via this link:  Support Request Form 

If you have a general enquiry for this RSS Hub please email 


Further information about associated Clinical Trials Units can be accessed here: