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24/32 Application Development Award (ADA): Digital Health Inclusion and Inequalities


19 March 2024


13:00 on 09 August 2024


  • For help with your application contact
  • For more information about the funding Programme, visit the PHR Page
  • Got a research idea and not sure how to turn it into a funding application? The free NIHR Research Support Service (RSS) supports researchers in England to apply for funding, and to develop and deliver clinical and applied health, social care and public health research post award. Find out how the RSS can help you.

Supporting Information

Please note that the Word version of the Stage 1 application form is to be used as a guide and to assist with completion of the online application form only, for example to see how many characters are accepted in each section and how the printed complete form is laid out. Please do not try to use this as an application form, you must apply using the online form available through the links available when calls are open. You should also refer to the application form guidance notes which can be found next to the ‘Apply Now’ button.

The Public Health Research (PHR) Programme is accepting Stage 2 applications to their commissioned workstream for this topic.

In order to apply you will need to carefully review the:

Please consult the NIHR Specialist Centre for Public Health (SCPH) about the design of your research as soon as possible. Successful applications generally require a long time (several months) to develop.


Any changes to these dates will be emailed to all Lead Applicants with an application in progress.

Applications received by 1pm on 9 August 2024 will be assessed by a sub-committee of the PHR Prioritisation and Funding Committees in October 2024. Applications will be assessed for importance to public health, scientific quality, feasiblity and value for money

  • Stage 2 deadline: 1pm on 9 August 2024
  • Notification of out of remit/non-competitive decision if unsuccessful: end August 2024
  • Notification of Stage 2 funding decision: mid-November 2024
  • Earliest start date for funded studies: 1 March 2025

All primary research projects are expected to establish a programme appointed Study/Trial Steering Committee and it is important that you read the Research Governance Guidelines before completing your application. Costs incurred by this committee should be included in the budget as appropriate.

We held a webinar to support applications to this funding opportunity on 5 June 2024. Slides are available on request.