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Life Sciences Industry Information Service

Our Industry Information Service offers a free consultation and acts as the primary entry point for life science companies seeking support to deliver health and care research in the UK.

We understand the UK’s research landscape and have extensive experience in helping companies to optimise the support that is available.

Who is the Industry Information Service for?

All life science companies are eligible to access this free one-to-one service; from start-up companies, to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), to international corporations. (Learn what we mean by ‘life science company’).

Whether you need to evaluate a new technology, generate evidence in an NHS or care setting, or explore the feasibility of bringing a global clinical trial to the UK, we can help.

When to access the Industry information service

Our support offer for industry comprises many different types of services, facilities and support. Talk to us as early as possible to maximise our support. We aim to create a bespoke service that will add value throughout the full life cycle of your study or research pipeline. 

If you are ready to run your research study or clinical trial, we advise accessing our support before you seek research approvals from UK clinical trial regulators.

Benefits of using this service

  • Free: as most of our support services, this service is free. (Learn more about why our support is free)
  • Comprehensive: we have extensive knowledge of the UK’s research landscape
  • Reliable: our information is always up-to-date
  • Easy: complete our contact form and we will respond directly
  • Quick: you will receive a response within 2 business days
  • Efficient: we will connect you to the right people

Topics we can advise on

We can advise on all the services, expertise and facilities the NIHR has to offer, across all stages of your research journey. This includes information about specific therapeutic areas. Examples include:

  • access to research activity data, intelligence and insight to support trial planning
  • help to define your research methodology and design your trial
  • consulting clinical experts to ensure your research is deliverable in the UK
  • guidance on patient pathways and recruitment strategies
  • patient input to ensure your research is patient-centric
  • advice on UK-based funding programmes
  • support to find collaborators or an NHS partner to qualify for NIHR funding
  • health economics and technology assessment support
  • identification of regulatory bodies and guidelines
  • nationwide costing tool and standardised contract terms
  • NHS investigators and sites to conduct your research and recruit participants
  • sites and investigators in GP practices and other care settings, such as in care homes and the community
  • patient samples and health data

Once we’ve identified which NIHR services can support your research needs, we’ll help you to access them.

Explore more support from the NIHR

This service is just one of the ways we help life science organisations. Visit our NIHR support for industry page to discover our full range of support or explore all our services and support.

Contact the Industry team

Fill out our contact form to request a chat with our team. We aim to reply as soon as possible and always within two business days.

Contact the Industry team