i4i Committee Expression of Interest Form
Please note: No individual should be a standing member of more than one NIHR Research Programme Funding Committee at one time, other than in very exceptional circumstances when no other person is available to cover the role. Those people who are involved in awarding NIHR Research Training and Leadership Programme funding (NIHR Academy Programmes) can also be a member of an NIHR Research Programme Funding Committee so that they have insight into the research pathway.
This expression of interest form is for clinical, academic or commercial experts to express an interest in becoming a member of an NIHR Invention for Innovation (i4i) funding Committee.
When a vacancy on a funding Committee becomes available, your application will be considered. If no vacancy becomes available, your application form and its data will be retained for five years. Please bear in mind that funding Committees must have a balanced range of skills and expertise, and new members will be appointed as and when particular gaps emerge.
Please email any queries to i4i@nihr.ac.uk.