Latest case studies
Kidney Research UK, has been pivotal in fostering relationships between the life sciences, academia and the NHS in recent years which is has enabled a culture of collaboration and is paving the way for a growing number of Complex and Innovative Design (CID) trials.
- Published:
20 January 2020
Research registries and biobanks present an efficient way of doing research. In the UK the life sciences industry, charities and academia are collaborating to maximise this new approach and open up a wealth of new opportunities to accelerate new advances that will benefit kidney disease patients.
- Published:
04 October 2019
In the UK our ability to access rich patient data within our national healthcare system is rapidly expanding. The advent of the ehealth record and ever-growing interconnectivity of information systems is opening up new opportunities and enabling new and innovative approaches to conducting clinical trials. The SIMPLIFIED study is a case in point and is the first renal registry-facilitated trial of its kind.
- Published:
04 October 2019
Research Registry in renal disease transforming how research is done.
- Published:
01 October 2019
Case study on using adaptive model to trial new treatment for rare kidney disease
- Published:
30 September 2019