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Equitable Bereavement Care for All - Be Part Of Research campaign

Death is an inevitable part of life, affecting families, friends, and communities in profound ways. However, bereavement support can fall short for people from diverse ethnic, religious, and cultural backgrounds. The NIHR, in conjunction with the Department of Health and Social Care, funds “Equitable Bereavement Care for All” to improve services for all communities.

  • Published: 10 July 2024
Premature/pre-term baby hand holds mum's index finger

Giving preterm babies the best start from birth

Results of NIHR-funded research into the best feeding approach for extremely preterm babies have informed national guidelines, cut NHS costs & supported a consistent approach to practice

  • Published: 29 April 2024

Helping A&E teams manage ‘high impact users’

Patients who attend emergency departments five or more times a year account for 11% of attendances. The NIHR ARC West evaluation of the programme supporting these high impact users found attendance went down 33%

  • Published: 24 April 2024

Preventing early heart disease in high-risk patients

Use of new software developed with NIHR funding is identifying more patients at high risk of early heart disease and heart attacks. Earlier diagnosis and treatment are saving lives and shaping healthcare policy.

  • Published: 29 February 2024
Trained Community Healthcare Provider giving preventative health information to a household in Kenya

Addressing the health impacts of climate change

The relationship between climate and health is complex and diverse. Our award-holders are working with policymakers to develop resilient health systems within the global context of climate change.

  • Published: 26 February 2024

Food, with care

“Food, with Care” is creating a new groundbreaking food philosophy that will influence all aspects of how the new hospital is created and used; from the physical building to the way patients, families and staff access food.

  • Published: 19 December 2023

Embedding researchers

Dr. Katherine Kirk writes about her work with embedded researchers and ways to make sure research findings are applied to the real world.

  • Published: 27 November 2023

Moving through the phases of clinical trials in psilocybin research

The potential of psilocybin to treat a range of mental health conditions has gained increasing recognition. Central to the progress in this area is the partnership of King’s College London and South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust with life sciences company Compass Pathways. This partnership was enabled through the support of the NIHR.

  • Published: 14 November 2023