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Create an excellent application to become an NIHR Senior Investigator


27 June 2024


All day event



NIHR Senior Investigators are among the most prominent and prestigious researchers funded by the NIHR. Through their leadership activities, they provide a substantial contribution to the NIHR research community, and act as NIHR ambassadors at regional and national level.

NIHR Senior Investigators are appointed through an annual open application process.

This one hour webinar will provide information on the application and assessment process and provide advice for producing an excellent application. The timing of this webinar is still to be confirmed.

The webinar will be hosted by Rachel Dwyer, Senior Investigator Senior Programme Manager, who will be joined by Selection Committee members.

Attend this webinar to learn about:

  • the process and timelines for application
  • the expectations of applicants for the role of NIHR Senior Investigator
  • what the Funding Committee looks for within NIHR Senior Investigator applications.

You will also have the opportunity to ask questions at the end of the webinar.

Registration will be opening soon.