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Brain cancer care, support, and rehabilitation

Potential advert date

15 August 2024


In Summer 2024, we anticipate launching two complementary calls for research focusing on brain tumours.

Please note this is an indicative date, which may change, and the commissioning brief will be published on the NIHR website in due course.

  1. An NIHR call (spanning programme remits) to bring together a national consortium for the evaluation of treatments for brain tumours. The consortium will comprise work packages including multiple coordinated clinical trials and capacity building activity. It will provide strategic leadership and a network for the delivery of inclusive brain tumour trials, both in the immediate term and for the future.
  2. A funding opportunity for research to generate high quality evidence in brain tumour care, support and rehabilitation, through the Health Technology Assessment (HTA) and Health and Social Care Delivery Research (HSDR) Programmes.

If you would like notification of when NIHR calls go live, please sign up to receive our monthly funding bulletin, and weekly funding alerts. Alternatively, if you are interested in contributing to the development of our future topic areas, you can help by becoming a reviewer.

Research Fellowships

In Summer 2024, together with the Tessa Jowell Brain Cancer Mission (TJBCM), we anticipate issuing a funding opportunity for applied clinical early career research fellowships for Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) and other healthcare professionals to generate high quality evidence in Brain Cancer Care and Rehabilitation.

This is a new fellowship offer led by TJBCM, through the Tessa Jowell Fellowship Programme. This is a unique opportunity for neuro-oncology healthcare professionals to develop their research career through the design and delivery of projects which will directly contribute to generating evidence for the services they deliver and improve clinical practice and patient outcomes in brain cancer care. The Fellowships aim to build a research culture and community of practice across UK centres and support engagement in research early in research careers.

Please note this is an indicative date, which may change, and the commissioning brief will be published on the TJBCM website in due course.