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Training researchers

Learn about the ways we support the professional development of people working in research in order to grow research capacity and capability.

Schemes and programmes

Academic Career Development in NIHR Infrastructure and NIHR Schools

Details of development schemes available across the organisation for NIHR researchers. These include funded placements, development awards and opportunities to work in different centres.

Bridging funding and support

An overview of the different funding, support and schemes available to help professionals reach the next stage of their research careers.

Fellowship Programme

Fellowships supporting individuals to become leading NIHR researchers. Different fellowships are available at various stages of a researcher's development, from initial pre-doctoral training to senior post-doctoral research.

Good Clinical Practice

Good Clinical Practice (GCP) is the international standard at which all clinical research is conducted. The NIHR offers a range of GCP-compliant training courses for those involved in the delivery of clinical studies.

Integrated Academic Training

Research awards for doctors and dentists. There are three available awards, which support applicants to gain research experience as part of their clinical training.

Integrated Clinical and Practitioner Academic Programme

Research training awards for health and social care professionals. The awards support career pathways for those who wish to combine research with their role as a practitioner. 

Leaders and Support Development Programme

Training programme for research leaders and early to mid-career researchers. The programme includes mentorship schemes and online learning courses. It aims to maintain and improve the quality of leadership in health and social care research.

Local Authority Academic Fellowship Programme and Associated Opportunities

This programme of fellowship schemes and short placement awards supports individuals based in local authority settings to develop as health and/or social care researchers while retaining their existing employment and salary.

Research Professorships

The flagship award for the NIHR. The scheme aims to fund research leaders of the future to promote effective translation of research.

Senior Investigators

A funding competition to award prominent leaders in the NIHR research community. Senior investigators are recognised for their outstanding research and contributions to the NIHR.

Teaching centres and services


Incubators provide high-level career development support. They offer subject-specific training, led by experts and supported by the NIHR Academy.

NIHR Academy

The NIHR Academy works to attract, train and support health and care researchers. It co-ordinates academic training, career development and research capacity development.

NIHR Learn Platform

A hub of free, accredited learning programmes. It offers a range of resources to help practitioners develop their knowledge of clinical research.

Supporting people with musculoskeletal pain to return to work

Read how research career development funding from the NIHR Academy supported a leading research professor to develop an intervention that reduced work absence among people with musculoskeletal disorders.

Gwenllian wynne jones story